
Author Archives: Matt

After a career as a professional musician and band leader in the Miami South Florida Area I decided to see if I could make some money with this new internet thing. After years of trial and error I started to get the hang of it and now I am completely financially independent because of my various online businesses. The goal of this blog is to chronicle my continued marketing experiences. I focus on real examples of what works and what does not work. Google does not give us a recipe for getting our sites ranked. We have to use our own experiences to see what actually works rather than theory. I hope you enjoy the blog. Please let us know what you think in the comments area. We appreciate your feedback.

Review of SourceWave’s YouTube Video “Ultimate White Hat SEO Techniques “


I went to Becker’s Sourcewave site to learn some hard hitting seo techniques. I kind of like the guy’s style because he is looking for what actually works like me. And he has found that 90% of SEO is just traffic. Real traffic. Real people bouncing around your friggin site looking at it and then other authority sites linking to it.

The video start off funny. He welcomes us to SEO fairly land where if we obey all Google’s terms of service and are really nice people and kiss lots of derriere everything will work out.

“Welcome to SEO Fairy Land Where if You Follow All of Google’s Terms and Conditions Everything Will Work Out Yeah Right!”

He then points out that Matt Cutt’s is lying to us because Google does not want us to rank on Google they just want us to use Adwords. Good point.

Ok now how about some “Ultimate White Hat SEO” techniques. I will tell you what the 36 minute video basically says.

  1. Think long term for white hat seo. It will take awhile. (Thanks that really helps)
  2. See what the popular posts on other blogs in your niche are and right about that. (Of course this is good advice but nothing revolutionary here. His most popular video is about a 25 year old driving a Lamborghini. Maybe we just write about that. )
  3. Find people on the same level, lower level, and higher level and network with them.(Ok it takes 30 minutes to says this. But wait he is writing on a chalk board so it must be educational)
  4. For your clients find one niche and work it to death. Look for publications that are niche specific and offer them quality content. (Good advice)
  5. Find governmental sites that you can link to and get links from. (Good advice but no specifics are given. Just go find some vague government sites out there and get your links on them)
  6. Find niche specific forums and become an”active contributing member.” (I just threw up. Come on. This is of course good advice but so it optimizing your title tag. It takes 30 minutes to say this?)

Overall there are some good points in this video but it takes Becker forever to get to the points. Ironically, he usually begins his videos with “I hate fluff” but this video is full of it. I like Becker’s stuff, he is really good at what he does. I just wish I did not have to wade through a bunch of B.S. before I got to the meat. I enjoyed the humor though and I love that fact that he exposed that Google is lying to us.

I would write more but I have to go find some of those government sites to put my links on.

Here is the video.

I give it 2.5 starts. Funny but too long.

P.S. I am going to give you one other technique. It is called the “Fame Hijack Technique.” Becker is more popular than me so I write a review about one of his most popular videos both hijacking some of his fame juice as well as some juice from his video title “Ultimate White Hat SEO Techniques.” Ironically I learned this from Becker himself when he hijacked the fame of self help guru Tai Lopez. Is this a White Hat Technique? Maybe not. But Becker makes a great point that there really is no such thing as White Hat since Google just wants us to use Adwords and does not want us to rank for anything.