After a career as a professional musician and band leader in the Miami South Florida Area I decided to see if I could make some money with this new internet thing. After years of trial and error I started to get the hang of it and now I am completely financially independent because of my various online businesses. The goal of this blog is to chronicle my continued marketing experiences. I focus on real examples of what works and what does not work.
Google does not give us a recipe for getting our sites ranked. We have to use our own experiences to see what actually works rather than theory.
I hope you enjoy the blog. Please let us know what you think in the comments area. We appreciate your feedback.
It is 5:30 am and the weather warnings on both our cells phones woke me up warning me of flash floods and tornados coming my way. So I thought I would write a blog post. Not this blog post but another seo, marketing post to help get more traffic to my sites so I can sell more stuff to live. I am not too worried. I have a brand new Frontier Kayak sitting in my car port. If the flood gets too bad I will float around and fish a bit until it subsides.
Google Trends shows you what the world is searching for.
In my quest to learn more about seo and website traffic I decided to look at Google Trends. Google Trends shows you what the world is searching for. If you know what the world is searching for you have a good idea about Global Consciousness. Our searches show who we really are. It is as close as you can get unless you are a psychic to reading somebody’s true motivations, thoughts and intentions.
If you know what the world is searching for you have a good idea about Global Consciousness.
Would you want the world to know what you put into the Google search bar? Too late. Your isp keeps records of everything. That is why I suggest using a VPN of proxy when you search. Your searches are recorded with an ip which does not directly attach to you personally.
Would You Want The World To Know Everything That You Typed Into A Google Search Query?
I had an idea to make Article Video Robot (software turns articles and blog posts into videos) videos of articles of trending subjects then linking back to the original articles using a wordpress plugin which actually puts my ad at the top of the article page, my pop up on the article page and jacks all the links on the page to the link of my choice.
First of all major kudos for the title. We talk about how important titles are in marketing because it is the first thing people see. If they like the title or are intrigued then they will click to learn more. When I saw this title I definitely wanted to see what the question was that got Donald Trump to walk off the state.
Go ahead and click on the link above. It is an article that was on a website called Western Journalism. You will see an my ad at the top for my website, you will also have a pop up show up with my pop up form which goes to my newsletter subscription form. Also just for shits and giggles I made every single link on the page go to one of my blog posts on how to get traffic.
When You Go To The Viral Article You Find My Top Strip Ad, My Pop Up, And All Links On The Page Going to My Blog Yet It Is Not My Site
Technically the visitor never leaves my sites I am just framing the webpage on my site in some sort of frame. It is a wordpress plugin which does this so I did not code it myself.
Don’t Feel Bad For Western Journalism They “Stole” The Article And Video From The Blaze Who In Turn “Borrowed” It From Red State Watcher.
Before you start feeling too bad for Western Journalism they hijacked the original article from The Blaze here. And they hijacked the article from Red State Watcher.
Basically everybody is just hijacking, stealing or borrowing an original article or video, adding a few of their own comments and regurgitating the story. This is possible because of the nebulous fair use policy which allows people to use other people’s copyrighted media under certain conditions. You can read about fair use here.
Basically Most News Sites Are Just Regurgitating Other People’s Content By Using The Nebulous “Fair Use” Rule
Most of the news stories you get are fair used or regurgitated news.Of course each site sprinkles it’s adverting around the regurgitated article and makes money from other people’s work. Well, hell. I want my cut! There is more original thought and material in this blog post alone than 10 blog posts on Mashable, The Blaze or Huggington Post all who make millions off of other people’s ideas.
Even Though The Stories Are Borrowed Each Site Makes Money From Advertising Using The “Fair Used” Story
But I digress. So I had this idea to just regurgitate articles about trending topics using Article Video Robot to turn the articles into videos and to use the “fair use” (fair stealing) rule to quote articles. I would link back to them in the video with my ads at the top of the links.
I thought this might be an interesting way to get traffic to my sites using the most popular articles and trends. So I went to Google Trends to see what the search trends were for today.
America is just basically thinking about football. America’s collective Consciousness is football. Our searches show our true intentions. Because we have this false sense that nobody knows what we are putting into the search bar. But it is all tracked as you can plainly see. Google has an entire site which tracks this info and your isp has your specific searches.
America is Just Basically Thinking About Football. It Does Not Seem To Go Much Deeper Than That
Are we typing into Google phrases such as “Where am I?”,”Who am I?”,“How to make the world a more peaceful place”, “How to choose love in every situation”, “Latest developments on free energy”,”How to make sure my children are happy and healthy”,”Why do we have so many wars and what can we do about it?”,”Are we alone in the universe?”, “What are the earth’s most beautiful natural wonders?“,”How to live in harmony with Mother Earth?”?
Nope, we are just into football. I really did not want to do Article Video Robot videos about football so I began looking at other trends. I asked myself what are some of the most popular YouTube channels? I found that Prank YouTube channels have millions of views and visitors. Here is one channel which has almost 10 million subscribers! (I have about 270 at the time of this blog post)
Check out their trailer here:
From as early as I can remember I simply never liked people who played tricks on people or those who teased other people. I moved from school to school as a kid. Often I was picked on and teased. Unfortunately for them I was always a naturally good fighter and I usually ended up kicking their asses. But even that was unsatisfying. I usually just ended up humiliating some already insecure kid when all I really wanted to do was just be friends in the first place. In any case, I find pranking people mean. No matter how much money was involved I could not get into making videos which abuse people.
The videos are about scaring people, making people feel negative emotions, revenge, fear. Not nice. Yet, we love these videos and the people who make them make money, lots of it. The above trailer has 10 million views!
I use some a Chrome plugin called VidIQ which gives most of the meta and marketing data on YouTube videos. Here is a screenshot for the above video:
So just from this video they have made $16,000! This is just their trailer video. They have many more. The video gets almost 1000 views per hour. I guess this means we really get off on seeing people suffer and feel negative emotions. Not my scene though I guess by just mentioning it I am profiting from this trend as well.
It is like the news casters who have news stories like “Topless Strippers arrested downtown. News at 7!” Then they go on about all the terrible goings on at the downtown strip clubs and raise their viewership while maintaining their moral authority. Like I said. “Count me in.” Well, maybe not yet.
If You Want To Make Money Online in America Produce Content About People Playing Pranks on Football Stars
So let’s see where we are. If you want to make money online you need to produce content about people playing pranks on popular football stars? Probably would work incredibly well. Producers, any takers on the idea?
However, we are not done yet. We have not talked about escorts yet. You know, hookers, street walkers (listen up Google crawlers), prostitutes (most media people fit this description better and I include myself with this post), ladies of the night.
I did a simple post listing some of the most popular classified ad sites where you can post your ads. This makes sense. I run a classified ad submission service and I own a classified ad site. When I mentioned which is probably the 2nd most popular classified ad site in the US after Craigslist I mentioned as an aside their controversial Adult section. You know, this one:
I just mentioned the stuff about the escort controversy briefly as an aside. Yet, now because of these keywords it is the most popular post on the site. All through natural search. Check out a screenshot of some of the most popular search terms for this blog.
I get traffic everyday all year long for these keywords through organic search and it never was my intention. I have written many, many other blog posts none on the subject of escorts except this one and yet these keywords keep bringing in visitors.
It was never my intention to get traffic for these keywords but now it is so I will mention them all again. “Free escort posting, top escort sites, free escort sites (claiming google page yeah google likes a post not about hookers! There is hope), free escorts to post ads, free advertising for escorts, escort classifieds, free escort posting sites.” Have at it Google bring on that escort traffic! Do you want me to put those suckers in H1 tags? How about the alt description of some images?
I’m Busting My Butt Writing Posts About Marketing and I Am Getting Traffic About Escort Advertising
Tell me what you need big G! If you can’t beat them join them. I will become my own kind of SEO hooker. (note to self. Reserver Better than nothing. But, please while you are crawling my site can you check out some of the other articles I have labored over regarding perfectly legitimate subjects? Please? Pretty please with sugar on top!
So let us modify our reality show. If you want to make money online forget about all those work at home business opportunities which are their own form of porn and let us create a reality show about strippers and escorts who play pranks on members of the New York Giants football team. I think we are getting the formula. But wait there is more…
Let’s take another look at Google Search Trends and see who the most searched for Actor is for 2015. See the image below.
And the winner is Miley Cyrus! So what is Miley Cyrus famous for? Well, she was a child start but as a young adult she has kept herself in front of the media through controversy. A self-confessed Southern Baptist pansexual she boosts here fame through stunts such as her bizarre sexual performance at the 2013 MTV awards and pissing off and disgusting people over 40 to the delight of teenagers. See Forbes article here on Miley Cyrus marketing genius.
So what is trending? Mediocre singers promoted through sex and controversey, being mean, playing pranks, escorts, disasters and football, football,football until basketball season.
Google search trends are just a reflection of what WE are looking for it is ourcollective consciousness. Maybe I come across judgmental in this post and maybe I am a bit. (I am over 40 so I guess Miley Cyrus’s marketing worked on me.) But it is more than that. I am somewhat stunned and saddened that these are the subjects which are getting our attention and worse that is what the vast majority of us are searching for.
I thought better of us. There is a ray of hope though. I do not want to be all negative. Here is a screen shot of the most searched for author of all time.
Not bad America! I am proud of you! Martin Luther King, Jr. is the most searched for author of all time with William Shakespeare coming in 2nd. Did you know we can control what Google Trends publishes? It is simply a refection of our own state of mind. We can make other searches and choices and as we do our world will reflect that reality including Google Trends. Imagine what the world would be like if we were as obsessed with world peace as we are with Miley Cyrus, Football and Prank videos. Here is somebody who had a dream and I think it is a good one. Let’s dream better dreams together. The choice is ours not Google’s.
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