After a career as a professional musician and band leader in the Miami South Florida Area I decided to see if I could make some money with this new internet thing. After years of trial and error I started to get the hang of it and now I am completely financially independent because of my various online businesses. The goal of this blog is to chronicle my continued marketing experiences. I focus on real examples of what works and what does not work.
Google does not give us a recipe for getting our sites ranked. We have to use our own experiences to see what actually works rather than theory.
I hope you enjoy the blog. Please let us know what you think in the comments area. We appreciate your feedback.
Article Video Coupon AVR2-BENEATH-2 for 50% discount.
Here is exactly what Article Video Robot Article to Video Converter Software Does For You:
1. Article Video Robot turns articles into live videos by simply copy and pasting your article or link to your article into the software.
2. Turns blog posts into live videos.
3. Turns your article or blog post into Slide Show Presentations.
4. Uploads your finished video in just a few clicks to YouTube, Dailymotion, Facebook, Twitter and a variety of other video hosting and social media sites.
5. Will take your video which is uploaded to one of the above social media sites and bookmark that video in a variety of social bookmarking sites. (Article Video Robot Coupon AVR2-BENEATH-2 for 50% off. See here.
How does Article Video Robot Article to Video Creator Benefit You?
1. Great way for those who do not like using a mike to make quality fast videos from their articles or blog posts. Article Video Robot will turn your articles into videos.
2. Excellent quick and affordable option for those who do not speak English as a first language to have native speakers convey your message in a video and turn text into video.
3. The built in video submitter is an efficient and fast way to upload your videos to the major video hosting sites.
4. Article Video Robot transforms your videos into slideshow presentations which you can upload to sites like which is one of the top 100 highest traffic sites in the world.
5. Major SEO benefits. Having your video with multiple varied titles with your keywords on both video hosting, social media and document sharing sites gives you multiple points of reference in Google search. These are very high authority sites which can get you found in the search engines quite quickly.
6. Great way to re-circulate all your old blog posts in a new format and to get even more traffic back to your websites. Just make 1 Article Video Robot video of your blog post per day and upload it to all your YouTube and social media accounts. More quality content, better seo, equals more traffic.
What are the downsides of using Article Video Robot Text to Video Software?
The major downside for me is that even though the robot voices and quite exceptional and high quality they are still robot voices. I think the videos that do the best are those which have real people sharing their insights and ideas. I actually find the slideshow function is even more useful for me than the video function because I can take a great presentation that was made in just a few minutes and upload them to all the document sharing sites.
I suggest using Article Video Robot in conjunction with making “real videos” in your own voice. It does not matter if you are not have the perfect DJ voice or if you have an accent. Actually this can work in your favor. You are more believable if you are just being yourself.
Article Video Robot Coupon Code AVR2-BENEATH-2
If you want to try Article Video Robot click here for Articlevideorobot text to video converter free download. Use this article video robot coupon code if you upgrade to pro for a 50% discount.: AVR2-BENEATH-2 . Yes, I will receive a commission if you purchase. You can even see my affiliate stats in the video on this page! Please share and like this post if you found it helpful. Here is a video where I show exactly how I use Article Video Robot. And how could I forget? Here is a video I did with Article Video Robot of this very blog post. All I did was plug in the url of this blog post into Article Video Robot (I did a little editing not much) and poof here you go! Let me know what you think.
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