
Author Archives: Matt

After a career as a professional musician and band leader in the Miami South Florida Area I decided to see if I could make some money with this new internet thing. After years of trial and error I started to get the hang of it and now I am completely financially independent because of my various online businesses. The goal of this blog is to chronicle my continued marketing experiences. I focus on real examples of what works and what does not work. Google does not give us a recipe for getting our sites ranked. We have to use our own experiences to see what actually works rather than theory. I hope you enjoy the blog. Please let us know what you think in the comments area. We appreciate your feedback.

New Free Whois/ Statistics Site Submitter- Get 1900+ Free Backlinks


Free whois submission serviceI just set up a new service which can help get your website noticed faster in the search engines. It is a free whois statistics site submission service. This free submission service submits your website to 1900+ statistics type websites. These are sites like or

Statistics type websites gather info on websites such as whois info, Alexa rankings, estimations of site worth and a variety of other data about your website. The advantage for you to be listed on these websites is that they are constantly being spidered on Google and Bing.

Submitting to Whois Sites is a Fast Way to get Your New Domain Noticed by the Search Engines

If you have a new domain being listed on these sites is a very quick way to start getting your site found in search. Also the more quality backlinks you get to your website generally the higher your website will rank for your keywords in search.

This service is especially good for new domains. I also submit my new domains to the whois sites to start to get the search engines finding my websites. Now you can use this service for free anytime. Just visit, input your url then click “build backlinks.”

Note this service is only for those who have their own domain name. If you are promoting an affiliate link this will not work for you. There is a little trick though if you are promoting an affiliate link. You can get a free domain name at You can make the domain name redirect to your affiliate link. Then you can submit your new domain name.

This is definitely a poor man’s solutions. I still recommend that even if you are promoting affiliate programs that you build your own website and get your own paid domain name.