
Category Archives for "Business Strategy"

1 Tip To Help You Keep Your Recurring Customers Paying You Every Month

Recurring Billing Model

Recurring Billing Model

If you are not selling your own product of service based on a recurring billing model you should really consider starting now. They are terrific money makers. I have started a number of services which billed monthly and they have always been winners. My most recent service was my classified ad submission service. I started this service because I was hounded by members of my free classified ads site The Free Ad Forum for such a service.

I have tried a number of different submission methods and I have come up with a pretty good system. I think I am giving my customers a pretty good bang for their buck. For $40. per month I am giving them some quality traffic to their website.

The problem with the recurring billing model is that you have to keep providing value month after month or people will cancel. The classified ad submission model is not perfect. People will cancel. How long would you run a classified ad for? Most classified ad sites actually are set to rotate ads off after 30 days or so for this very reasons. They do not want thousands of outdated ads on their sites.

So I know people are going to cancel eventually unless they keep coming up with different programs to promote. But how to keep them the longest time possible?

Of course providing great value is the number one key. But here is another tip.

Make A Great First Impression With Your Customers

I suggest over delivering at first. Give your customers more than they asked for and they will have some “good vibes” about your service. Even if you just break even for the first month, if you really deliver big time for your customers at first they will have a good feeling about your service and are much more likely to give you a try the next month and maybe even for many months to come depending on your business model.

I have just started doing this with my service and it is working well. Once your customer has a bad feeling about your business it is difficult to re-capture the trust of that customer. Over deliver at first and this will give you some momentum going into the next months of service.

I know most posts are “10 ways to do this” 5 tips on how to do whatever ” types of posts. These list posts attract views but do you really ever put into practice all the tips listed? I call these types of posts “blog porn posts.” They titalate more than inform. Well I just gave you one tip that really works. Go apply it to your business and let me know how it goes. Best of luck and much success. Maybe next time I will make a post that will appeal more to your purient interest.

Matthew Meyer