
Category Archives for "Video Marketing"

How I Made $9357.88 in Affiliate Commissions and Increased Traffic With Articlevideorobot


Article Video Robot is An Online Video Production Service Which Turns Blog Posts Into Videos and Slide Show Presentations in Just A Few Clicks

Articlevideorobot is an online video production system which will take any blog, post, article or text that you input into the software and turn it into a video and a slide show presentation in just a few clicks. Articlevideorobot is a brilliant concept because there are many people marketing who are camera shy or who do not have English as their first language and feel intimidated making videos.

I am not one of these people so I really underestimated how many people are intimidated by making videos.

I Have Made Close to $10,000 in Commissions With The Article Video Robot Affiliate Program

Article Video Robot Affiliate Earnings

Because Articlevideorobot is such a useful service customers tend to keep paying for the service month after month. I have made almost $10,000 in affiliate commissions with the Articlevideorobot affiliate program. Many of the commissions come months after I did my initial promotions because people stick with the service. It is all fine and good for a program to have a good sales page and concept but if customers do not stick with the program in the long run there is little advantage to residual paying affiliate programs.

Article Video Robot is a Solid Service That People Need so They Stick With The Service. This Makes The Affiliate Program a True Residual Income Program

Because Articlevideorobot is such a great program that people stick with and because it pays well I thought I would come up with a creative way to both promote the program and to improve the search engine rankings and traffic of my own blog.

So here is what I have decided to do:

  1. Make a new Article Video Robot video of one of my blog posts every day. It is so easy to make a video with Article Video Robot (just copy and paste the link of my blog post into AVR and voila!) why not take a few minutes each day and make a video of one of my own blog posts?
  2. Take the same ArticleVideoRobot video I just made and turn it into a Slide Show presentation.
  3. Upload my AVR video to my YouTube account
  4. Upload my AVR slideshow presentation to my account
  5. Optimize the keywords of both the video and the slideshow presentation around variations of the keywords of my blog post.
  6. Include, at the top of the video description “This video was made with Article Video Robot which turns blog posts into videos. See here for more info:”

So now I have a new video on YouTube and a new slideshow presentation on promoting not only my main blog but also the Articlevideorobot affiliate program.

Imagine if I could put out a new video and slideshow presentation every day for a year. I would then have 365 keyword optimized videos plus 365 links to the well paying Article Video Robot affiliate program plus and additional 365 slideshow presentation on also with links back to the affiliate program and my specific blog post.

That would be a total of 730 total links on some of the highest traffic sites in the world specifically geared towards my market!

With a strategy like this consistency is the key and a long term focus is the key. This type of marketing is what escapes most of us. Most of us want it all and we want it now. This type of thinking stops you from making any type of long term strategy. You should have your short term and long term strategies.

All the successful bloggers post every day. It is very difficult to be consistent. I know I have not been but I recognize that those who consistently put out valuable content every day and market every day and the ones who end up building successful businesses.

The beautiful thing about Article Video Robot is that it is not time consuming at all. With a few clicks I have my video and slide show presentation and Articlevideorobot even uploads them automatically to my YouTube and accounts.

Both YouTube videos and slide show presentations on get indexed super quickly on Google so this strategy can really help your SEO by not only getting valuable niche related links from authority sites but also because people may find your videos and slideshow presentations even before your blog posts. Also these sites have great internal traffic. YouTube is owned by Google and is the 2nd most used search engine after Google itself.

Here is a video we did of one of our blog posts using Article Video Robot: Here is a link to a slide show presentation we did of the same blog post and video on

Here is a more complete review of Article Video Robot and even a discount coupon code.

I highly recommend you start using ArticleVideoRobot for your own promotions. See here to try Article Video Robot for free.


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