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How To Get More Free Traffic From YouTube Using The YouTube Comment Technique


This is one of my favorites. I cannot guarantee that you will make $1000. per day with this technique but some people are and it is a simple effective way to get low cost traffic to your website using YouTube. It is very easy to do and generates instant targeted traffic. You do not need to create any videos of your own and even someone who is not in the least bit technical can do this one. WARNING! I am using some examples in the adult industry to illustrate this technique. If this offends you do not watch the video or read any further. I do not show any actual adult content I just show marketing techniques used in the adult industry.

All you have to do is find popular videos in your niche and leave positive, relevant comments, entice viewers to click on your username which in turn will lead them to your YouTube channel which in turn will direct them to your website. Got that? No? No problem. Read on.

By relevant, I mean on topic but not a complete comment. If you provide all the information within the comment itself then nobody will be interested in going to the link that you are directing them to. You must tease them a bit.

The commenting technique can sometimes work even better than just posting videos. There are some people making up to $2000. per day with this technique. Of course they do not do all the commenting themselves. They outsource this work which is quite easy to do.

If you are technically challenged and willing to work hard then the comment technique might be your ticket. With hundreds of millions of videos on YouTube you will never run out of work or income. You can easily find people from $2-3 per hour to do this work for you.

Here are some guidelines to follow.

1. Never spam! The owner of the YouTube channel has the ability to delete your comments. You could even get your YouTube channel banned or deleted for spamming. (I suggest using a secondary YouTube account for this technique until you get a handle on it.)

2. Do not provide too much information. If you tell all in your comments they will not actually click on your username and go to your website. You need to tease them a bit to get them to click on your username.

3. Do not make one line comments. You need to make a comment which actually relates to the video that you are viewing. Just watch the video a bit and I am sure you will get a quick idea for a comment. After your relevant comment you then need to TELL them to click on your username.

You can start yourself doing the commenting then you can easily outsource this task for $2-$3. per hour.

Here are some outsourcing resources:

You can negotiate an hourly rate at first then you can negotiate a per lead basis payment once you see how it goes.

This technique works well with sexy material and with email zip submits. However, it can be used with almost any niche. Just use your imagination.

Here is the first example. I have found a YouTube video discussing a sex tape. This tape has received over 9 million views! I guess sex sells.

Now let’s look at the comments on this video. Here is one that is interesting. He has a nice little arrow directing people to his username to see some other sex tape. Now keep in mind adult material is not allowed on YouTube so if you try to do what these people are doing it is against the TOS of YouTube. So you could very well get your account deleted. However, YouTube does not do too good of a job moderating so there are thousands of adult related titles in YouTube. This example is for illustrative purposes only.

You should include a relevant comment to the video and then give people a strong reason to click on your username which will lead them to your YouTube channel.

The only problem with this example is that when you click on his username it goes to a YouTube channel which is a mess. You have no idea where to go or what to do once you get to his site.

You need to set up a separate simple YouTube channel which very clearly directs people to go to your website. No fancy images or web design here. Everything on the channel must direct people to do one thing, to click on your website link!

Here is a sample YouTube channel that I set up.

This is what you need to do with your YouTube channel:

1. Put your website link in the website link area of your profile.
2. Put your website link in the About Me section of your profile.
3. Direct people to click these links in the comment area of your YouTube channel.
4. Tell people to click on your website link and why in the About Me area.

Here is another example of the comment technique from the same popular video. This young lady makes a very basic and straight forward proposition.

When you click on here username it takes you to her YouTube channel.

Notice that she has filled out the About Me section with a link to her website and she tells people to click on her link and why. This is good marketing. The comment technique is working for her. She has over 2700 views on here YouTube channel from this technique. I am sure some of these visitors turned into sales and who knows how many YouTube channels he or she has doing this. By the way the link goes to an Adult Friend Finder page so she is using this technique to promote Adult Friend Finder as an affiliate not her own webcam site. She really is a bad girl!

This is a very simple technique requiring limited technical ability. Once mastered this can be a low cost or free traffic stream for you. Please give me your comments about this technique in the comments area.

I just used the adult examples because they are dramatic and it was easier to find people actually using this technique in this industry. However, this technique can be used in any niche. Especially outside the internet marketing niche where people are less savvy about internet marketing techniques.

I would appreciate your comments or if you have your own YouTube traffic techniques please share! Please comment below and bookmark this post in all your favorite social media sites. Thank you!

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