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Internet Marketing Rant-When Is It YOUR Turn?


Hello Quickregister Blog readers. My name is Lee Davis and I wanted to opine on some of the issues facing those who seem to be lost in the wilderness in the pursuit of the “big money” payoffs harped on by the second by every parrot-tongued affiliate and clueless spammer inhabiting the niche. You’ve been fed some damaging fallacies in your quest to get to that fabled “Internet Lifestyle”;

A) “You Will Earn Thousands Of Dollars Quickly – WITH NO WORK REQUIRED!”

Anyone who chooses to believe this statement is busy pulling out the metaphysical revolver for their favored pasttime of “Marketing Roulette”. There is NO WAY extant to be able to pull off this claim unless you’re a supplier of narcotics, munitions, or dreams. And those are the people most dangerous to the game – the “dream peddlers”. They KNOW that they are selling you a loaded pipe bomb of a nightmare in the cool, collected manner of the reptile hypnotizing its’ next meal. Common sense should dictate that the wisdom of our parents’ and grandparents’ generation would be remembered and absorbed to deflect the influence of the fantasy pushers.

But, I’m not here to point the finger at a nameless, faceless contingent. I’m here to try and rationalize with those who provide this phenomenon with steam by the millisecond – YOU;

YOU – are the ones targeted mercilessly as it’s known that you’re willing sheep for your own fleecing;

Daily, I routinely read forum posts of people screaming in agony as they dropped dollars on worthless software or other eproducts that were either a pale, non-working imitation of a popularly marketed item or such a bad knockoff that it’s hard to imagine someone could’ve ever gotten caught by it.

YOU – are the ones known to blindly get behind products/services without due diligence;

When was the last time you took the trouble to look for the opposing viewpoints on the operation of the product you’re considering purchasing. What’s true for me is that if I get an email from, let’s say, ten people I know contact me in reference to it, I’ll usually give the salespage a quick perusal (KNOWING I’m not purchasing anything). And when I get mails from people I know I have no pre-established business/service reationship with, a mental note is made to AVOID/IGNORE it.

YOU – are the ones busy sabotaging yourselves daily by not having learned web basics;

Do you know how to construct even the simplest of HTML/CSS documents? PHP pages? JavaScript functions and snippets? Do you look at the coding revealed when you choose to “View Source”, and have even the slightest idea of the structural markup and the implications within it as relating to both privacy and safety? THAT IS WHAT THE DREAM PEDDLERS COUNT ON. Because I really got down to grips with the basics of the machine language elements mentioned before, I can not only do things like create a video squeezepage with some advanced elements to let those pages rank well, but I’ve eliminated a major part of overhead/delay that plagues at least a third of the niche.

YOU – are the ones destined to never achieve that illusion that fills your mind in every waking moment;

Because of the willingness of so many to weld themselves to this unachieveable plateau, there will never be any deviation from this heartless rat-wheel until people decide that they’ve absolutely had it.

B) “Hurry Up And Get Your Copy NOW (Only 50 Available)!”

You have got to be full of more fecal matter that the gentleman who exploded during the restaurant scene in “The Meaning Of Life” (LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!). I mean, REALLY! The nature and beauty of the  digital file is, because it’s virtual, it can be cloned as many times as necessary. If a marketer is creating a forced obsolescence with their product of choice, then, it IS their choice. But, I find myself immediately blocking out both the advertised product and the creator/promotional agency.

C) “The Money’s In The List!”

As a holdover from the time when online marketing was new and fresh (circa 1979-1999), it’s mutated in meaning as it currently stands. As a member of both sides (list member/owner), I see the people who take this both literally (when they come at you daily with ridiculous requests of your time to create traffic for worthless marketing practitioners) and figuratively. The latter group (no surprise) is the one with the edge as they understand that the relationship with the list is where the money is. You have no idea of the amount of clueless chickenheads waiting in the wings with pithy offers and paraphrased content/advice (or the number that I exiled for just these reasons).

D) “Get Your *FREE*|F*ree|fre*e (ITEM) NOW!”

The only things that I know to really be free (weather/trouble/misery/disease/death) in this lifetime are known to come with a heavy topping of consequence – maybe not the weather (lol!). Websters’Dictionary defines the word FREE as;

Made, done, or given voluntarily or spontaneously, OR, having no trade restrictions.

Folks, it doesn’t take a genius to see that the bulk of what passes for for modern online marketing is a pathetic joke. How many variations in the spelling of this word are you willing to tolerate while you ignore the dictates of your native intelligence daily?!

YOU KNOW what the meaning of the word FREE is!

The word FREE IS NOT;

When you have to “opt-in” to a mailing list (the “hidden” cost and an over-exploited IM ploy), When you’re required to pay “just the shipping and handling” (an overt and over-exploited IM ploy), When you have to recommend a number of friends or contacts before receipt of item,
When you have to spell it as “FR*EE”, “fr.ee” or any other legally weaselly squirm-out or any other new-fangled scamarama-type sheinanigans designed to rope you in as an email victim of Third-Party inbox drivebys!

Just when does it become your turn to win? When you choose to ignore the prevailing “wisdom”parroted ceaselessly by the minute. When you take a hard look at your overall operations. It’ll require you to stop all the things standing in your way from making either progress or money.

If you’re in it for just the paycheck, you may as well keep some form of offline employment until you get to your first plateau. Even with my construction of eproducts, and the provision of professional web services, I have a steady, reliable sideline that allows me to earn between $200 – $1000 every few weeks (that’s a subject for my next guest blog, if Mr. Meyer will have me again, lol!), and allows me to stay focused on my target. Quickregister, I’m not trying to say that I’ve got it all figured out, but I’ve learned how to block out all the noise to keep my velocity on target.

That discipline and attitude have enabled me to be able to bring out my first online marketing application of which I don’t want to talk about here, but, if you’re even a little interested, this is it. What’s important about it in the context of this discussion is that because I’m out of phase for the “Internet Lifestyle” criers.

I don’t care what kind of name a marketer has online, because the name of the game for all of us is to BLAZE OUR OWN TRAILS, and make our own names, you’ll never be anything other than an asset to someone else if you do not make that committment to yourself like I did to get out of the restrictive pigeon-hole that online marketing has been for the last few years. Right now, I’m actively participating in realizing MY vision, and not that of someone else.

I’d like to send a hearty “Thank You” to Mr. Matthew Meyer, owner of the Quickregister Blog, and ask that you study his example of online marketing done CORRECTLY. Mr. Meyer has created a network of information that can help you with the construction of your winning formula for your individual idea of success.

Lee Davis
Mr. Lee Davis is the owner and webmaster of

RAIDERS 2.0™, a $0.00 Info-Search Membership Site
and the creator of the DigitalStoreScript™, on sale now.