How to Rank Your Videos in Google and YouTube for the Plastic Surgery Niche

I am sure you will agree that doing seo for highly competitive niches such as the plastic surgery niche can be a daunting task. However, if you are willing to follow through on some details that others neglect often you can achieve high rankings for your videos in both Google and YouTube for competitive keywords.
When trying to rank your videos for the plastic surgery niche you must first decide who it is you want to attract. In my case I want to attract people who are looking for the best plastic surgeons in Miami Florida. The reason why I want to attract those particular prospects is that my client is a plastic surgeon in South Florida and he is looking for more patients.
Step 1: Decide Who You Want to View Your Video
I am going to target “top” or “best plastic surgeon keywords because my client wants people looking for high end services. I am not going to be targeting keywords such as “budget” or “low cost” plastic surgeons.
The next step is to see what exactly is working for the Plastic Surgery Miami niche on both Google and YouTube. So I will type in simply “Plastic Surgery Miami” into Google.
Step 2: Google Your Keywords And Check Out Related Searches For Your Keywords
What I like to do is to scroll down to the bottom of the search results and look at the suggested search results. These are actual terms that people an inputting into Google search related to “Plastic Surgery Miami.” Here is what I see.
There are several keywords that catch my eye. “Miami Top Plastic Surgeons” and “Miami Plastic Surgery Reviews.“
My goal is to rank a video on both YouTube and Google that will attract potential patients looking for high end cosmetic surgery in the Miami, South Florida area.
I think the “Miami Top Plastic Surgeons” keywords will work well for Google and generally “Reviews” work well for ranking videos for YouTube. Also nothing sells like testimonials.
Step 3: YouTube Search Your Keywords And See What is Type of Videos Are Ranking For Your Keywords
Let’s take a quick look at YouTube to see what is working there for “Plastic Surgery Miami.”
The first thing we notice is that YouTube videos with both the keyword at the beginning of the title and in the channel name seem to rank at the top of YouTube search for those keywords. We will keep this in mind when coming up with our titles.
Also we notice that the video showing Dr. Michael Kelly doing fat grafting has over 321,000 views. And there is a rather graphic thumbnail of a scalpel and cut open face. If I was trying to sell somebody on getting plastic surgery the last thing I am going to show them is blood guts and cut open patients.
Just because a video has a lot of views does not mean they are the views we want. We are not going to be doing videos showing the gory details of a plastic surgery. We are not seeking to target med school students. We want high paying patients who are looking for beautiful finished plastic surgery.
So we scroll down a bit further in the YouTube search results and see this:
Now this is interesting. After the gory medical videos which are appealing to a completely different audience we have reviews and testimonials of actual cosmetic surgery patients from Miami.
Nothing sells better than testimonials. You can pitch your service all you want but if you have 10 real testimonials from satisfied clients that is what will close the deal faster than any slick sales pitch.
Plus, as we see, reviews rank well in YouTube which is, by the way the 2nd most searched search engine after Google itself.
So now we are going to come up with the title of our video:
Step 4: Come Up With a Keyword Related Title That Will Appeal to Your Target Market
How about “Miami Top Plastic Surgeons Real Patient Reviews”?
The title is the most important part of the video so this is where we want to put our keywords. We want a title that is both optimized for our keywords, human readable, and that will attract our desired prospects which are people who are looking for high end cosmetic surgery in Miami.
Step 5: Create A High Quality Video
The next step is to create a video. The very best video would be high quality interviews with real satisfied patients along with before and after pictures. Our client does not have access to these videos as of now so we need to take written testimonials and put them into an attractive video format.
Here is the video we came up with using various review from different review sites such as Yelp and Google My Business.
Step 6: Promote Your Video
When you make your video you want to create the best user experience possible. Positive user experience signals can help you rank your video even above videos with higher view counts.
- Audience Retention: You want to keep your audiences attention until the end of the video as much as possible. The longer they watch the better your video ranks.
- Comments. You want people to comment on your video as much as possible. One way is to simply ask them to comment during the video. Ask their opinion.
- Subscribes After Watching. The more people subscribe after watching your video the more favorably YouTube views your video.
- Social Shares. Share your video on all your social media accounts and encourage others to do the same.
- Favorites. The more people put your video in their favorites the better for your video ranking.
- Thumbs up and thumbs down. You get this concept.
- Also make sure your video is at least 5 minutes long. Longer videos rank better on YouTube.
The next step is to upload and optimize your video. Here are some points to keep in mind.
- Video File Name. Name your video using your keywords. For example “Miami_Top_Plastic_Surgeons_Real_Patient Reviews_Video.mp4“
- Optimize the Title with Your Keywords. The title is the most important aspect of your optimization. This is what both Google and YouTube focus on first.
- Description. First put your website url at the top of your description and always include the http://www for example . Then write a full detailed description of your video which is both informative to the reader and which contains your keywords. Google can read keywords in blog posts such as this however they cannot read text in videos. In my case I am going to be including some real Miami Plastic Surgeon Reviews in my description as well as a link to the client’s website at the top of the description.
- Optimize The Description Around The Client’s Competitors. If you were a plastic surgeon how would you like it if when people looked up the name of your competitor they found you and called you? Of course you would. If you take another look at the screenshot below of the Google search for Miami Plastic Surgery:
Notice that 3 of the 8 suggested search terms are actually people searching for specific plastic surgeons in Miami. So we are going to help them out. We are going to create a list of Miami plastic surgeons and put them into the description. Then when potential clients search for the specific names of a plastic surgeon in Miami they will find our video.But what a second. Won’t I then be promoting my client’s competitors? Yes and no. The list is going to be buried in the description beneath the Show More button on YouTube. Most people do not click this button. However, the search engines and YouTube will definitely read the description helping our video get found for our competitors.
Since my client Miami Plastic Surgeon is running a local business. I am going to look for the exact Name Address and Phone (NAP) of the client on Google My Business and include this in the video description. The reason I do this is that this YouTube video can act as a citation for Google. This will not only boost their Google My Places position (very important for local businesses) but it will also help rank our video.
5. Optimize The Tags of Your Video. The first tags of our video should be our keywords. In our case this will be “Miami Top Plastic Surgeons, Reviews,Patient Reviews” Now here is a variation on the trick where we optimize for our competitors keywords. Why not include some of the suggested search terms? For example “cg cosmetic surgery miami fl, dr. sean simon md miami fl, miami plastic surgery dr wolf”
Optimize Your Tags So That Your Videos Show Up In Related Searches After Your Competitors Videos. If you include the names of your main competitors YouTube channels your videos will start showing up in related videos sections after people watch your competitor’s videos.
In our case we can put the keywords “Miami Plastic Surgery” in our tags and maybe “Dr. Michael Kelly” and our video will start showing up after his videos.Getting A Ranking Boost Using The Wirecast Technique
Now that you have your video optimized you need to decide how to upload it. There is a technique called the “Wirecast” technique where you upload your video. This is where you upload your video as a live event rather than just a regular video. Many seo experts have found that this give videos quick ranking. Here is a video which explains this technique:
Get High Retention Views
High quality views are essential to getting a top ranking in YouTube. You never want to get fake or bot views for your videos. YouTube has caught on to this and this will only get your video penalized or worse get your entire channel deleted. You need real views. Here are some ways to get real views to your videos:
1. Mention Your Video on Quora and Other Q&A Sites– Just look for questions related to your niche and give a link or even embed your video as an answer.
2. Put a Link to Your Video in Your Email Signature. Think how many emails you get and reply to each day.
3. Share the video on social media. Do not forget to do this and remember to ask other people to share the video as well.
4. Send An Email to Your List. I have a huge list of people interested in marketing. I can simply send an email to this video as a case study and ask my group to like share and comment. If you are not building your own list I suggest getting an autoresponder here now.
5. Embed Your Videos in Your Blog Posts. Not only will this get you more views but YouTube actually gives you points for getting your videos embedded.
6. Look For Forums Which Are Discussing Your Niche And Contribute. I am going to look for some forums that are discussing plastic surgery in Miami and see if I can contribute and maybe put in a link to the video if it is appropriate.I hope you found this article helpful. If so please share it on social media. We also welcome your comments and suggestions below.
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