An Outsourcing Mistake That Can Cost You Money


So, are you outsourcing yet? If you’re a busy Internet marketer there is no question as to whether or not you should be outsourcing a good 90% of your work. A successful marketers time is best spent running their business, not doing the menial time stealing day to day tasks.

Outsourcing is a very broad subject to which I could write about in numerous ways and go in many directions, but for this particular post I wanted to be very specific about one very important subject.

The “titles” of your content- The “titles” that you use will make or break your Internet advertising/SEO campaigns! This is where it all begins…They are the marketing “fuel” that runs your online marketing engine. Using your keyword(s) in your title is largely how you’re going to get found in the search engines, but get this wrong and your whole campaign can be rendered useless.

Regardless if you’re submitting press releases, articles to directories, videos, blog posts, viral PDF’s, social bookmarks or directory submissions, it ALL begins with a great keyword rich titles. You can have a masterfully written piece of content and have golden keywords to use, but if the title is weak, so are your results!

My recent outsourcing story- The other day I hired a freelancer on a popular site to do some submissions for a press release I had written. This press release release was well written and had a good keyword density for the phrases I was targeting, but I noticed one big problem when I got the submission report.

The person that submitted my PR used a very vague, benign and almost generic title. Well, by the time I spotted this it was already too late to fix the problem. The title didn’t include my main keyword I wanted to target, so my press release was pretty well useless.

Here’s an example- Let’s say you (the reader) wants to submit a press release or article and you’re selling detailer grade car polish. Well, in your title, you might say something like “A detailer grade car polish that outshines them all”. OK, if detailer grade car polish got searched for allot, you should get traffic…assuming you have allot of good quality backlinks, but that’s another issue all together.

However, if you trusted somebody with your content who’s supposedly “in the know” when it comes to SEO and they typed in “How to shine your car with a great car wax”, your results will be less than stellar…See my point? Those words took the “search” into a whole different direction AWAY from your website.

The Lesson to be learned- When outsourcing your content you’ve got to be proactive and stay in the loop to make sure you’re getting what you paid for. TIP- When outsourcing your content, it’s a good idea to submit your pre written keyword rich titles and descriptions to make sure you don’t waste your marketing dollars.

In the freelancers description for the PR service I used, they said, “all you need to do is send over your press release”. At first I hesitated thinking they might not do my press release justice if I relied on them to come up with a great title, but I moved forward anyway. I should have trusted my gut instinct on this one.

You never want to assume that the person understands the marketing angle you’re taking. Never assume they understand SEO and know the importance of using proper titles and keywords etc.

Listen, the title is crucial and it’s where the magic happens so don’t take it lightly.

Do your due diligence when choosing an outsourcing firm. Ask questions to avoid miscommunication issues later on in the process.

Shop around, get feedback, visit online marketing forums and know who you’re dealing with before hand. Don’t be shy about asking questions and telling people what you want.

Last note- Don’t forget that your content needs lots of website traffic to be effective! I provide people with information that will show them tons of TOP website traffic getting methods. This is 44 pages of extremely powerful methods along with juicy tips and strategies.

I also offer free and unlimited online marketing consultations by phone to people who purchase my website traffic resources manual. I can help you get more traffic and help you build your business the right way the first time and avoid mistakes.

I’m here to help,
Craig Wilson
craigwilsonmarketing [at]
Skype to: craigleewilson


After a career as a professional musician and band leader in the Miami South Florida Area I decided to see if I could make some money with this new internet thing. After years of trial and error I started to get the hang of it and now I am completely financially independent because of my various online businesses. The goal of this blog is to chronicle my continued marketing experiences. I focus on real examples of what works and what does not work. Google does not give us a recipe for getting our sites ranked. We have to use our own experiences to see what actually works rather than theory. I hope you enjoy the blog. Please let us know what you think in the comments area. We appreciate your feedback.