
Author Archives: Matt

After a career as a professional musician and band leader in the Miami South Florida Area I decided to see if I could make some money with this new internet thing. After years of trial and error I started to get the hang of it and now I am completely financially independent because of my various online businesses. The goal of this blog is to chronicle my continued marketing experiences. I focus on real examples of what works and what does not work. Google does not give us a recipe for getting our sites ranked. We have to use our own experiences to see what actually works rather than theory. I hope you enjoy the blog. Please let us know what you think in the comments area. We appreciate your feedback.

Jack Jacker Gold Review- How to Put YOUR Links and Ads on Any Website


The software I am reviewing is a word press plugin called Jack Jacker Gold. This plugin allows you to put your links and ads on almost any website. Let me explain.

Imagine Being Able to Put Your Ads On Top Of CNN BBC or Any Authority Website!

Say you found some content on the CNN website that you would like to share with all your Facebook and social media followers. How would you like it if when your followers visited the link  on CNN that your big bold ad appeared right on top of the CNN website? In addition how would you like it if when they visited the link on the CNN website that your pop up with your autoresponder subscription form appeared?

In addition you can even make every link on the CNN website point to your website.

Share The Top Viral Stories From The Top Authority Sources With Your Ads On Top of The Articles

If the content is interesting and viral in nature your followers will in turn share your link and all their followers will see your ad in bold on top on the CNN website.

Just imagine how much traffic you could get sharing other people’s viral content with your ads embedded.

How does this work? Basically Jack Jacker Gold frames the website on your wordpress site and puts your banner and ads around the site. Here is an article of an article about Obama on a website called Western Journalism where I used Jack Jacker Gold.


See the red banner on top? If anybody click on that link it goes directly to my website. Also if anybody visits my Jack Jacker Gold link to this post they will see my pop up asking them to subscribe to my newsletter. If I wanted to I could set the post so that all links on the post go to my website. I choose not to do this because the reason I am sharing the article in the first place is because I think the article has valuable content for my reader.

I Could Set The Target Article So That ALL Links On The Article Go To My Website But I Usually Choose Not To Do This

If they want to click some links to other interesting sites they should be able to do so. It is enough to have my banner on top of the site as well as my pop up.

Click here to see the “Jacked” page.

Click here to see the original post on Western Journalism.

If I share the “Jacked Link” not only are my followers getting valuable timely content but they will see my ads on the prestigious blog post. In addition if THEY choose to share the post their followers will see my ads as well.

You Are Also “Jacking” The Authority of The Website Whose Content You Are Sharing

Note that we are not hacking into their website or modifying their website in any way. People who go directly to the blog post will just see the normal post without my ads. The software frames the page on my sites adding my ads. So you are sharing a link on your own domain which features this post. Here is the raw link for the above post:

That is the link that I am sharing. I just frames the blog post with my ads. But wait there is more! When you share the post on Facebook or other social media it takes all the meta data from the original post so it really looks like you are sharing the direct post.

ack-jacker-gold-obama-nuns jack-jacker-gold-obama-nuns


Notice that the website WESTERNJOURNALISM is showing in the Facebook feed. Also all the pictures from the original blog post are showing. Yet, the link I shared was this one: So if you click people click on the link that I shared on Facebook they will see the post with MY ads.

Imagine sharing the highest authority viral blog posts on your niche and having your followers sharing this viral link with your ads showing on the target website!

What a great way to provide valuable content, add to your credibility and to get massive traffic.

See here is what you need to get Jack Jacker Gold set up so you can start sharing links.

  1. A your own domain name.
  2. A web hosting account
  3. An installation of wordpress which has no other plugins and is completely separate from any other wordpress installations that you have.
  4. The Jacker Jacker Gold Software

The good news is the Jack Jacker Gold Software costs just $17.70! You can get it here.

You can get a free domain name and web hosting for $3.95 per month here.

If you sign up for web hosting from my affiliate link here I will set up your blog and your Jack Jacker Gold Software for free. Of course you still have to pay for your software.

So for a one time cost of $17.70 and $3.95 per month you can have this system set up on your site. That is an excellent value.

Here is how it works.

Once your web hosting, domain and software is set up you just log into your wordpress account as normal usually from

Once logged in go to Dashboard and look for Jack Jacker (Gold).


The next thing you need to do is to create a page for your Jacked Link. You need to go to Pages, then Add New, then just add a page naming it something relates to the link you wish to Jack.




Then go back to where it says “Jack Jacker (Gold) and click Create a New Jack and you will see this screen:

Choose the page you just created to associate it with this Jack. Make a title just so you know what the jack is about. This is just for you. Put in the actual url of the blog post or website that you wish to jack. Choose your colors. Make sure that the colors contrast so that people can read the text. This is the text that will show on the ad at the top of your Jacked page.

Put the link to the website where you want people to go to after they click on your ad. Add any custom html such as your autoresponder pop up code under Custom Html. Then make the decision if you want to jack all the links on the jacked page not just have your ad and pop up show up on the site. I do not suggest using this option as it takes away from the user experience.

You are sharing this content because it is of value to your readers. If they cannot click any links on the page then the information is of less use. The software is useful and powerful enough without jacking all the links.

Click Save Now and you should be good to go.

Click view on any of your Jacked links to get the url that you can share with your ads. That is it.

If you found this post helpful please share on social media. Even if you Jack it with your ads and pop ups!