
Author Archives: Matt

After a career as a professional musician and band leader in the Miami South Florida Area I decided to see if I could make some money with this new internet thing. After years of trial and error I started to get the hang of it and now I am completely financially independent because of my various online businesses. The goal of this blog is to chronicle my continued marketing experiences. I focus on real examples of what works and what does not work. Google does not give us a recipe for getting our sites ranked. We have to use our own experiences to see what actually works rather than theory. I hope you enjoy the blog. Please let us know what you think in the comments area. We appreciate your feedback.

I Will Set Up Your WordPress Blog For You For Free!


Blogging is a great way to build a targeted audience around your niche. Writing helpful articles to those who are interested in your topic consistently is one of the most effective ways to build a customer base.

Blogging also can be lucrative business. I know of some bloggers making in excess for $100,000 per month. That is mucho dinero. If you have a huge audience interested in your topic you can easily promote quality products and services to this customer base. If you have been giving them valuable information all along they are very likely to trust you.

One of the biggest impediments to getting started blogging is not knowing how to set up a blog. Well now this is no longer an issue. If you sign up for a hosting account with Bluehost through my affiliate link here I will set up your blog for free!

If You Sign Up For A Hosting Account With BlueHost From My Affiliate Link I Will Set Up Your Blog For Free!

Bluehost offers hosting from about 3 bucks per month and even throws in a free domain name which is a terrific deal. They are hosting over 2 million websites which is hard to even fathom.

Once you sign up for a Bluehost account from my link send me an email here with your log in details. I will then set up your blog for you. I will set up a basic blog with the latest default theme and create a first sample post for you.

Of course you should change your log in details after I create the blog and you should start making your own posts.

Now let’s talk about some other hang ups people have about blogging.

Blogging hang up number 1. People do not know what to write about.

Do Not Know What To Write About? Trying Solving People’s Problems.

If you do not know what to write about concentrate on solving people’s problems. How to blog posts work great. People are looking for information on how to solve problems online. If you are the go to person in your niche with the answers to their problems then when it comes time to purchase they are more likely to trust you and buy from you.

If You Are The Go To Problem Solver In Your Niche Your Followers Will Be More Likely To Buy From You

Need ideas? Do you have a frequently asked questions area of your site? Write blog posts asking and answering the most frequently asked questions in your industry. Then write blog posts about the questions people should ask about your business.

Need Ideas? Make Blog Posts Out of Frequently Asked Questions

You can also Google “how to ‘your niche” I guarantee you that you will get lots of ideas for blog posts. Nothing is stopping you from researching the answers to all these questions online as well. You do not need to “know it all.” Here is the secret. You will learn by teaching others. There is no better way to learn.

Google “How to ‘Your Niche'” And You Will Get Lots of Ideas

Blogging Hangup Number 2. People think they cannot write.

Can you talk? Can you explain something verbally? Just write the way you talk. People are not looking for great literary works. They want their problems solved. If you can write in a simple conversational style people will relate to that style much better than if you are trying to write poetry.

Do not worry about making mistakes. If fact if you do people will probably trust you more because you are more like them.

Blogging Hangup Number 3. Procrastination.

The most important step to blogging is to just get started. Just do it! Do not worry about being bad. Woody Allen once said “90% of success is just showing up!” You have to show up to be successful.

Just Get Started. You Will Learn As You Go. “90% of Success is Just Showing Up!”

So go ahead and sign up for an account with Bluehost here. Then shoot me an email with your log in credentials to info (at) Subject Blue Host Blog Set Up. And let’s get this blogging show on the road! Hey, you even have a guy who will set it up for you for free so there is no time like the present.

Much Success,
