
Author Archives: Matt

After a career as a professional musician and band leader in the Miami South Florida Area I decided to see if I could make some money with this new internet thing. After years of trial and error I started to get the hang of it and now I am completely financially independent because of my various online businesses. The goal of this blog is to chronicle my continued marketing experiences. I focus on real examples of what works and what does not work. Google does not give us a recipe for getting our sites ranked. We have to use our own experiences to see what actually works rather than theory. I hope you enjoy the blog. Please let us know what you think in the comments area. We appreciate your feedback.

5 Ways to Make Money with inVideo For Beginners (2023) 25% Off Coupon

5 Ways to Make Money With Invideo


5 Ways to Make Money With inVideo for Beginners (2023) (25% off coupon)

You can get started for free with Invideo here: ?? If you choose to upgrade you can try to use the code below to save 25%: SAVE25

In this video I am going to be showing you 5 ways to make money with inVideo video editing and creation software.

Make sure you stay to the end of the video. I will show you one method that I am personally using to make $550. per client per month.

I will also put a coupon code for 25% off all plans if you choose to upgrade from the free palen

1. AI reels

The first way you can make money with inVideo is to make AI videos for Instagram promoting almost any  affiliate program.

You can use the AI text to video then choose the portrait mode.

Leave the affiliate link in the bio and in the description.

Leave afffiliate link in Bio, choose one of the templates then just customize as you like using Invideo.

2. The 2nd way is by starting a Faceless Youtube automation channel.

I did a video here:

showing 5 of the most profitable niches to start a Faceless YouTube automation channel.
Invideo will allow you to generate scripts, visuals, and voice-overs inside invideo.

Start in the landscape section and you can even ask AI to write your script. This way you do not have to pay outsourcers to do your videos for you.

3. Go to ChatGPT and do a prompt asking about the best tools about anything.

You could do a prompt on best SEO tools or best copywriting tools, or best AI tools.

Though for best AI tools you might want to just use Google search because ChatGPT is not up to date through 2023.

The find affiliate programs for each of these different software. Then create reels and videos inside invideo which promote these programs.

4. You can go to outsourcing sites like Fiverr and and offer your video editing and creation services.

If you have good English language skills this can really help as many people struggle coming up with ad copy.

You can use the AI functions within Invideo or even supplement this with ChatGPT then edit the copy to suit the offer.

5. Here is the most profitable way to use Invideo. Offer a video creation and promotion service for local businesses.

Local businesses are already making money unlike work from home marketers.

For example you can go to a lawyer’s website and look for his testimonial page. Make a quick video showing all the lawyers testimonials and upload it to YouTube.

Put the video in private mode. Send him the video and offer to not only make the video live but offer to make videos every month promoting his business.

You can use the info from his FAQ section for content.

You can literally apply this to any local business niche where they are already making money and paying for advertising.

I personally have several clients paying me $550 per month to produce simple videos and blogs posts for their businesses.

Not only are they glad to pay but it actually works. My clients and getting clients.

Their clients can end up paying $1000’s of dollars so paying me $550. per month is not  a big deal. Actually some of them have asked me to ramp up the service and they are willing to pay more.

Most of the clients I got by word of mouth. People ask me what I do and I say I help
businesses get found in the search engines.

Lots of small businesses need help. Get good at making videos with Invideo and combine that with some hard work and you can develop a solid business.

See here to get started with Invideo for free now.

If you do not want to make videos yourself we have a service where we can make promotional videos for you. See here to learn more.

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