
Author Archives: Matt

After a career as a professional musician and band leader in the Miami South Florida Area I decided to see if I could make some money with this new internet thing. After years of trial and error I started to get the hang of it and now I am completely financially independent because of my various online businesses. The goal of this blog is to chronicle my continued marketing experiences. I focus on real examples of what works and what does not work. Google does not give us a recipe for getting our sites ranked. We have to use our own experiences to see what actually works rather than theory. I hope you enjoy the blog. Please let us know what you think in the comments area. We appreciate your feedback.


List of Top 10 Free Classified Ad Sites That Accept Affiliate Marketing

List of classified ad sites accept business opportunities affiliate links ranked by Alexa

Below is our top 10  list of free classified ad sites that will accept your business opportunity ads and even your affiliate links
(Here is a more recent list with 34 classified ad sites that accept business opportunity ads.)

They are ranked by Alexa ranking. The lower the Alexa ranking the more traffic the site gets. You can go to to check the traffic rank of any website.

(Here is a re-brandable ebook with 34 classified ad sites that accept affiliate marketing. You can re-brand the ebook with affiliate links and earn recurring commissions by giving this ebook with the list of 34 free classified ad sites.)

We Have Posted Ads On All of These Free Classified Ad Sites So You Will Not Waste Your Time With Dead Sites

If you even have tried to post a business opportunity on the number 1 free classified ad site in the world,, you will know how frustrating this can be.

They will delete your ad  or even worse “ghost” your ad. Your ad disappears without notice and you have no idea why. Well, does not want your business opportunity ad or affiliate links.

For a number of years was a great free classified ad site alternative for business opportunity advertising. However, they were shut down by the government for their controversial escort section.

Here is the list of Top 10 Free Classified Ad Sites That Accept Business Opportunity Ads and Affiliate Marketing:

1. TheFreeAdForum.comAlexa Ranking- 16,220– The Free Ad Forum has been around for over 10 years in various forms. First as an actual form then as a free classified ad site. This site openly welcomes business opportunity ads and affiliate marketing.

You can upload up to 3 pictures, embed your YouTube video, create multiple clickable links using the html editor and include a link to your Facebook page.

It is free to post ads and your ads stay live on the site for 90 days. You then have the chance to renew the expired ad for $5. or simply post new free ads.

TheFreeAdForum is Recommended by Top Marketers Jay Brown and John Crestani

You can even include your affiliate link to Ad Posting service. The website will create a call to action and clickable link for you even if you do not know html.

The same is true for your main website link. Even if you just use a text only ad, your website link will by hyperlinked with a call to action without any knowledge of html.

TheFreeAdForum gets massive amounts of traffic with over 90,000 members and growing at about 1000 per day.

The site been recommended by top marketers such as Jay Brown and John Crestani. Here are videos by both top marketers where they explain how to use TheFreeAdForum to generate free traffic.


It is free to sign up for TheFreeAdForum. You can sign up here. The software that the site uses has been updated since the above videos were made to accommodate the massive amount of traffic it is receiving but it still functions more or less in the same way. It uses the open source Osclass Software.

It is Free To Sign Up For And Post Ads on TheFreeAdForum

There is even software that you can use to submit automatically if you do not want to post your ads manually. You can get the free version of the software here.

The free version posts as only in the business opportunity section ad does not allow you post save your campaigns. The pro version allows you to submit to any category and allows you to save unlimited campaign profiles.

This will save you time because you do not have to re-input all your ad information every time you submit.

You can get the pro version here.

Upgrade Options on TheFreeAdForum:

Premium-  This means your ad will be in rotation with other Premium Ads at the top of your category and on the home page of the site. Your ad will be lightly highlighted to distinguish it from the free ads. Cost $5. one time fee.

Premium + Highlighted– Your ad is both put in rotation for 90 days in the Premium sections located at the top of your category and on the busy home page.

In addition the ad is boldly highlighted in bright yellow distinguishing your ad from both the other Premium ads and the free ads. Cost-$10. one time fee.

3 in 1 Pack– This upgrade option includes the Premium + Highlighted option plus your ad is bumped to the top of the free section of your category once every 24 hours. Cost- $20. one time fee. upgrade options for ads

TheFreeAdForum is one of  the premier free classified ad websites for business opportunity and affiliate marketing ads.

2.  Alexa Ranking: 17,917 – This is a very cleanly designed site with a good amount of traffic. You can include your YouTube url which will be embedded into your ad as well as several pictures.

Unfortunately the links in the ad do not seem to hyperlink even when you include the full https://. So if people want to visit your website they will have to copy and paste your link in the their browser.

Oodle Uses Your Ip Address to Determine Which Geographic Area You Will Post

When you post an ad it goes through a verification process but it is quick. My affiliate marketing ad was live within a few minutes.

In order to post your ads you need to register and account and confirm your email. Make sure you look in the spam folder. My confirmation emails found it’s way to my gmail spam folder.

Oodle will use your ip address to determine which city you post in.

I tried posting multiple ads with one account and the site would not let me. But one ad did go live.

3. Alexa Ranking 18,408 – This one of the most established free classified ad sites. The domain name itself must be worth a fortune. I have successfully posted 100’s of ads on this free classified ad site.

There is a system to posting ads on this very well designed and fast loading high traffic free classified ad site.

1. First you post your ad. You do not even have to register to post.
2. You will receive a confirmation link in order to edit your ad.
3. At this point you will be given a chance to register on the site. Do so.
4. Now your ad will be live.
5. You can now post more ads.
6. Each ad you submit will require you to either click a confirmation link in your email or click the Publish button from within your account to make the ad go live.

Here is a video which explains the process: Is One of The Most Established Free Classified Ad Sites

The business opportunity section is located under the Jobs/Business Opportunity category. There is also software that will help you post ads automatically on this site. You can learn more about this automatic ad posting software here.

Your ads can stay live for up to 6 months if you wish. You can upload up to 5 images. You do need to fill out a captcha every time you post an ad.

4. Alexa Ranking- 20,808- The business opportunity section of this free classified ad site is the Employment & Careers / Marketing Category. You can upload up to 9 images (maybe more we stopped at 9), and you can include a clickable link using their html editor.

Please note you can only post ads in your home area. You can to choose a home area when you register. So if you wanted to post ads outside your home area you would need to set up different accounts with different emails and home areas.

With You Can Only Post Ads in Your “Home” Area

We do not suggest this, it is highly impractical. So this site is a good option just to post one ad in one particular area. You can change your home area once every 6 months.

This is one of the simplest and easiest to use of the free classified ad sites. We did not see any options for uploading videos but they are very generous with the amount of photos they allow. The photos are not clickable but go in the gallery section.

You can purchase an upgrade for you ad. You can only use bitcoin to pay for upgraded ads.

Here is what you get with Premium Ads:

  • they appear before regular ads in the listings;
  • they have a green background and are clearly marked as a premium ad;
  • no Google ads appear on a premium ad’s detail page
  • premium ads cannot be flagged

The cost is $12. per day payable only by Bitcoin. You can convert Bitcoin into cash using Coinbase according to their site. You may visit Hoobly here. Requires You Pay For Upgrades in Bitcoin Only

Of all the free classified ad sites listed here this is the only one that requires that you pay more upgraded ads by Bitcoin only.

5. Alexa Ranking- 22,174- This is a high traffic free classified ad site using the now semi-defunct Geodesicsolutions script. They must have their own open source copy because it seems to be working great.

You can post up to 10 images, your YouTube video and a text ad only description. There is a place, however, to post your website url and it will hyperlink automatically even if the ad is in text only.

This free classified ad sites requires that you submit unique content every time you submit an ad. They will not accept ads that repeat the same content over and over.

Because if you are going to post lots of ads you need to come up with lots of titles and descriptions. Here is a video which shows you how to do this fast: features a nice view counter so you can see how many views your ads have been getting. There is software that you can get that will post your ads automatically for you as well.

Keep in mind that you need to come up with unique titles and descriptions that you can rotate using spintax. Therefore you cannot just blast the same ad over and over on this free classified ad sites.

Global-Free-Classified-Ads.Com Requires Posting Completely Unique Content Every Time You Post An Ad

Indeed many free classified ad sites are requiring that you post unique content each time you post and ad. . Learn more about the Global Free Classified Ad Submittter here.

6.– Alexa Ranking 24,900-This sites allows you to post ad text ad with your business opportunity ad or affiliate url. They do not allow html ads.

However, there is a place to put your website url and the site will create a hyperlink with your url and call to action. This way people can click directly on your link and go to your website. Does Not Allow You To Upload Pictures Except For Your Profile Picture

Most noteworthy they do not allow pictures to be posted except your account profile picture.

7.– Alexa Ranking- 29,464- Your ads stay live 42 days. They have both a Multi Level Marketing and a Marketing PR section where you can place business opportunity ads.

Very well designed free classified ad site with good stats and email follow up. You can only post text ads but there is a place to put your website and your link is hyperlinked.

Ads Stay Live 42 Days With

You can also choose various upgrade options to get more exposure for your ad. We uploaded 12 images to our ad. Not sure what the limit is but allowing 12 images is very generous and probably more than most people need.

8.– Alexa Ranking- 39,478– The business opportunity section here would be the Jobs/Marketing/Commission Only section.  You can upload multiple pictures as well as your

YouTube video. There is an html editor for the description but unlike most html editors you actually need to go to html code mode and put in the actual html code to hyperlink your website.

Your ads are put into pending status first before being approved. and Run On The Same Osclass Platform Ads With Similar Features

9. Alexa Ranking-39,188– This site essentially runs exactly in the same way as The Free Ad Forum with all the same features. Please note that requires posting unique titles for each ad or your ad will not be published.

10.– Alexa Ranking- 197,389– This site has all the same features and is run using the same Osclass Platform as The site is easy to use and is a real up and comer. The domain is very old so this site could be valuable for back links. Ads stay live 90 days.

Keep in mind that Alexa rankings change constantly so most likely these rankings will not be the same when you are reading this post. If you have other classified ad sites where they accept business opportunity ads and affiliate links and that have better Alexa rankings than the ones here please let us know.

We also would ask that you at least post one ad on the site you recommend. We have posted ads on every one of these sites.

Much Success,

Matthew May




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