
Author Archives: Matt

After a career as a professional musician and band leader in the Miami South Florida Area I decided to see if I could make some money with this new internet thing. After years of trial and error I started to get the hang of it and now I am completely financially independent because of my various online businesses. The goal of this blog is to chronicle my continued marketing experiences. I focus on real examples of what works and what does not work. Google does not give us a recipe for getting our sites ranked. We have to use our own experiences to see what actually works rather than theory. I hope you enjoy the blog. Please let us know what you think in the comments area. We appreciate your feedback.

How Our Done For You Email Swipes Make Affiliate Sales on Autopilot

How Our Email Swipes Make You Affiliate Sales

When you become an affiliate with you have the benefit of our email drip campaign (autoresponder) following up every 4 days automatically for 3 months.

Our Autoresponder Series Follows Up Every 4 Days For 3 Months Promoting Your Affiliate Link!

Every 4 days your prospects will receive follow up emails giving them the benefits of using

If you prospect arrived at our site by clicking your affiliate link a cookie is set. The cookie lasts one year so that if anybody orders our service you will get credit even if they order many months later.

You can check to see if the cookie is tracking by looking at the bottom of the home page where it says “Referred by.”

Classified Submissions Affiliate Program Sets a Cookie Which Lasts For A Year!

If the system is tracking correctly if will say “Referred by:Youraffiliate id.” This is the affiliate cookie which was set when your prospect clicks your affiliate link. Of course, if you want to test the system you need to click your own affiliate link first then look at the bottom of

See the screenshot below: Affiliate Link Cookie Tracking

So once the cookie is set it stays set even if your prospect receives on year’s worth of emails from us. So if your prospect orders one year later after their initial click on your affiliate link you will get credit for the sale.

In addition we pay 50% recurring commissions on both the monthly and quarterly packages. So if the customer keeps paying we keep paying you.

If The Customer Orders Within 1 Year of Clicking Your Affiliate Link You Get Paid!

After making literally 1000’s of sales I have found that people generally buy after about 7 follow ups. Prospects need to develop a relationship with the vendor and drip campaigns (autoresponder emails) are one of the best ways to develop this relationship.

It is rare that somebody just comes to a website cold and orders immediately. Most prospects want to be reassured that they are making the right decision.

Prospects Need At Least 7 Follow Ups Before They Buy Generally

This is why we have over 30 follow up messages already written and tested in our follow up system. Here is a screenshot of our current follow up marketing campaign for These are the very emails that your prospects will be sent from us automatically on your behalf if you simply drive that customer to our opt in form. Autoresponder Emails Autoresponder Emails

The above screenshots are just partial screen shots of our newly created autoresponder follow up series. We just set these up the other day so we just started pumping leads into the system. We are moving from Getresponse and Aweber. I had about 30,000 subscribers in Getresponse and 10,000 with Aweber.

I also had been using another self hosted system called Arp Reach.. But we are focusing on moving everything to self hosting on multiple domains our autoresponders using Sendy, Elasticemail and Amazon SES.

Here is a video which goes into detail about my journey with finding the right autoresponder/drip campaign/email marketing system:

This email follow up system is absolutely essential and has been one of the most effective marketing tools I have ever used. That is why it is so important that if you are going to promote an affiliate program that they have multiple autoresponders that follow up for you.

Autoresponder/Drip Campaigns Are One of The Most Effective Tools I Have Ever Used. I Consider Them Essential For Marketing Success!

I find that people start buying after about 7 follow ups. That means after about 3-4 weeks of follow ups. I know that this is not what most affiliate marketers want to hear but it is the truth. Ask anybody who is making money online and they will confirm these statistics.

The idea is to think of email marketing as a pipeline. You need to get as many prospects as possible into the pipeline and eventually the pipeline will start producing sales. You have to have some faith and forget about making immediate sales.

If You Put Enough Prospects Into The Pipeline After 3-4 Weeks You Should See Some Sales Popping

Rather than count sales count opt ins. Because opt ins will eventually bring sales if the follow up system is good. And our system is proven because we produce sales every single day!

Even if you get lucky and get an immediate sale this means nothing. You need to think in terms of a consistent system. Think in 30 day cycles not 1 minute cycles.

Count Opt Ins Not Sales. If You Get Enough Opt Ins The Sales Will Come.

Here is a video showing how I made a sale netting me about $200. specifically because of my drip campaign. The customer even said it was because of the email he received!

Here is another helpful article. 8 Reasons Why You Need an Autoresponder Now!

Here is a more basic article:”What is An Autoresponder.


We would like to invite you to join our affiliate program for free here:

You can get banners and affiliate marketing tips specifically for this program here. We have your back at

If you found this blog post helpful please like and share on Facebook. If you have your own favorite email marketing system please share your experiences in the comments area.

Much Success!

Matthew May


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