
Author Archives: Matt

After a career as a professional musician and band leader in the Miami South Florida Area I decided to see if I could make some money with this new internet thing. After years of trial and error I started to get the hang of it and now I am completely financially independent because of my various online businesses. The goal of this blog is to chronicle my continued marketing experiences. I focus on real examples of what works and what does not work. Google does not give us a recipe for getting our sites ranked. We have to use our own experiences to see what actually works rather than theory. I hope you enjoy the blog. Please let us know what you think in the comments area. We appreciate your feedback.


Post Free Classified Ads in USA List of 35+ Classified Sites for Affiliate Marketers


Post Free Classified Ads in USA List

Update June 2019: We have now created an ebook with this list of classified ads. You can re-brand this ebook with your affiliate link to here. Then give away the ebook with this list of Classified ad sites that accept affiliate marketing. You then earn 50% recurring commissions if anybody orders the service. That is $98.50 for the yearly membership. See video below.


All The Classified Ad Sites Below Accept Affiliate Marketing Offers

The Free Ad Forum– This classified ad site has close to 60,000+ members. You can post ads for free which stay live for 90 days. You can use html in your ads to create clickable links even with the free ads. You can embed your YouTube videos into your ads as well. You can upgrade your ad for $5 and it stays live for one year! Upgrade for another $5. and your ad is in rotation on the home page of the site which gets a lot of traffic.

On the home page of the site there is a section for “Hottest Listings.” If you promote your ad yourself and get usually around 1000 views you can get your ad to stick to the home page of the site. This area gets the most traffic. The idea is always to have your ad being in the top 10 regarding views. You can see the view counts on each of the ads in this section and check out the competition. A little extra work on your part could really get you some excellent free exposure.

Get Your Ad Listed in The Hottest Listings And Get Free Traffic Forever!

The Free Ad Forum even has some free software you can use to post to the business opportunity category in every US city on autopilot. You can get the software by joining the newsletter here: . You will also be able to download other classified ad submitters and free seo software.

If you want to post to any category on autopilot there is a pro version of the software. You can learn more about The Free Ad Forum Pro Submitter here.

Post free classified ads USA and in a number of other countries with the pro version of The Free Ad Forum Pro Submitter Software.

Download Free Software Which Posts Free Classified Ads USA

As long as you follow some simple common sense rules your ads will not be ghosted as their are on Craigslist or other sites. And even the free ads get views. It is up to you to have an attractive ad. There is a very active business opportunity section, however, pharma and escort ads are NOT permitted.

Another advantage is there are no T.O.S. issues regards to the software. The software is made by the same people who own the site so this is not “black hat” or “grey hat” marketing. To post your free ad on The Free Ad Forum see here.

Free Global Classified AdsVery busy free classified ad site based on the open source php classified ad software called “Osclass.” Here are some of the sub-categories and add counts at the writing of this post.

Business Opportunities(56304)

So as you can see 56,000+ ads in the business opportunity section. This shows that the site live and that people are posting ads. At a minimum at least the people posting ads are coming to the site. New ads are posted every few minutes. Here are some of the features of

  1. Free ads stay live 90 days.
  2. Use html in the description to create beautiful clickable ads.
  3. Even if you do not use html and just input your website Free Global Classified Ads will automatically make your ad clickable with a call to action like this: Ad Example Clickable Link

  4. Ability to include link to your Facebook page.
  5. Include up to 3 pictures
  6. Special place to put your affiliate link in your ad. What better place to advertise a classified ad submission service than on a classified ad site? It is free to join and you get paid 50% recurring commissions. Learn more here.
  7. Upgrade your ad for $5 and it will stay stuck to the top of your category. So new free ads rotate down but your ad will not only be stuck at the top of your category but will be highlighted in yellow and be in bold. See below for an example of an upgraded ad:

       8. There is even free software that will post to this site for free. See here to learn more about this software.

Here is a video which explains more about the Free Global Classified Ad Submitter:

The software posts free classifieds USA but manually you can promote to different countries. Free Classified Ads– This site was a former article directory with over 1 million users! It is a very old domain. This means it is a good place to put your link for seo purposes. Your ad stays live 90 days and has all the same features of

Upgrade your ad for $5. and your ad it highlighted and stuck to the top of your category for 90 days. Clickable links, use html and even embed your YouTube videos. Embedding Your YouTube video can help your video rank higher in YouTube and Google. All these sites allow you to embed your YouTube video so make sure you include one when you submit you.

USA Free Classifieds Post Free Post Free Local Classified Ads – Post free ads in 500+ US cities with USA Free Classifieds. High traffic site. USA focused Classified Ads– High quality domain. Post ads in a variety of categories. Free and upgraded options. Free Classifieds– Very old domain. Great place to put your ads for 90 days free. Embed your YouTube videos for higher rankings in the search engines. Classified Ads- We picked up this domain because it was already ranked highly in Google for classified ad type terms with a pdf in Ads stay live 90 days. Free Classified is a place you can register discount domain names. They also have a busy classified ad site. Reserve your domain name here post your classified ad here.

Lead Club Classifieds– This was a very popular lead generation site. Now you can get leads by posting your free ads for 90 days.

 Best Injury Lawyer USA Free Local Classified Ads-Great place to place your ad if you are a lawyer or in the legal profession. However, they accept a wide variety of ads as well.

All The Classified Ad Sites Below Are Additional Post Free Classifieds USA Sites Classifieds

Targeted Free Classified Ads

Free Leads Post Free Ads Online

Craigslist Alternative Classifieds

Affiliate Marketing Classifieds

Adsglobe Post Classified Ads

Adlandpro Alternative Classified Ads

AdPost Business Opportunity Classifieds

Biz Opp Classifieds

Business Opportunity Free Classifieds

Cheap Website Traffic Post Online Classified Ads

Claz Classifieds

Free Advertising Classified Ads

Free Business Advertising Classifieds

Free Online Advertising Classifieds

Gumtree Alternative Classified Advertising

Get Free Ads Free Advertising

Free Traffic Classifieds

Locanto Alternative Free Classifieds

Home Biz Classifieds

Olx Post Free Classified Ads

Free Online Classifieds

Free Traffic Post Classifieds

Oodle Alternative Classified Ads

Penny Saver Classified Ads

Recycler Post Free Classifieds

You can post to all the sites above manually if you wish. However, there is a service which posts to all these sites and even more for you. To learn more about this Classified Ad Posting Service visit here.

Please bookmark this page as we will be adding more sites in the future. Also please share on social media and rate this post.

Here is another list of classified ad sites.

Here is a list of classified ad sites which accept business opportunity ads and affiliate links ranked by Alexa updated 2020.


1 55 56 57 58 59 221