
Author Archives: Matt

After a career as a professional musician and band leader in the Miami South Florida Area I decided to see if I could make some money with this new internet thing. After years of trial and error I started to get the hang of it and now I am completely financially independent because of my various online businesses. The goal of this blog is to chronicle my continued marketing experiences. I focus on real examples of what works and what does not work. Google does not give us a recipe for getting our sites ranked. We have to use our own experiences to see what actually works rather than theory. I hope you enjoy the blog. Please let us know what you think in the comments area. We appreciate your feedback.

Free Article Spinner (Google Friendly)

free article spinner software

I cannot stand most article or content spinners. No matter what they promise they produce barely readable Gobility gook English that is an insult to every native speaker of English.

However, the Spun by Google Article Spinner is a different story. This innovative software will spin your article by using Google Translate. It translates your article to another language then re-translates it back to English.

Spun by Google Free Article Spinner Uses Google Translate to Translate Your Content From English to Another Language Then Back Again.

This ensures that the article you are getting is at least grammatically correct according to Google.

Here is a screen shot of the software.

Simply copy and paste your content into the software and click on “Start Spin.”

Since Google Translate is Doing The Spinning of Your Content You Know That The English is Acceptable According to Google

You can choose various levels of spinning.

You can choose to translate and re-translate the content several times. This will give you content further and further away from the original content.

Translating and Re-Translating the Content Will Give You More and More Original Content

You can also choose a hard spin which will take you yet further away from the original content.

You can even choose to shuffle the sentences around to vary the content even further.

You Can Also Shuffle Sentences and Choose A “Hard” Spin Which Will Vary Your Content Even More

I tend to use the lightest settings. I do not use any spun content on my main sites. However, I do sometimes submit my videos to many different video hosting sites. I need slightly different descriptions for each submission. It is simply too time consuming to come up with hand written descriptions for each of these minor sites.

I Prefer A “Light” Spin Since I Do Not Want to Stray Too Far From My Original Content And I Want The Content To Appear as Little Spun As Possible

In situations like this “Spun by Google” free article spinning software comes in quite handy.

You can download this article spinner as well as $597 of free marketing/seo software here.

If you found this article helpful please share on social media.

Much Success!


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