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5 Easy Video Backdrops For Beginners



D. Scott Carruthers is an entrepreneur that has many talents. From photography to travel, he finds the beauty in the world around us. His expertise and skills are in the photographs within magazines across the country.

The first thing that a person looks at in a photograph or video is the object the photograph is of. The second thing is almost always the surroundings. This is why it’s essential to have a great background. Some photographers spend hundreds of dollars on backdrops. If you are starting out then you may not have that kind of money to get started. There are many backdrops that beginners can use and create for a great photograph. Here are five to start with.

Plain Contrast Video Backdrop

Plain contrast can be by using a plain colored wall or a white wall. Photographers add different flowers or vines to the plain wall. This will make it more vibrant and colorful. Using a plain backdrop will make the object more vibrant.

Tissue Paper Video Backdrop

Tissue paper’s used in many different ways to create great backdrops. Tissue paper is great to make flowers and tape them over the backdrop for a unique design that’s all their own. The tissue paper is also hung in strands of different colors to give a psychedelia look and feel. A plain blanket made of tissue paper’s used as well. Tissue paper’s cut in different shapes to give more dimension to a wall at times. Another way to add dimension is by fringing or shredding the edges of the tissue paper.

Sheet or Curtain Video Backdrop

Going down the aisles of any store there are many designs that are seen on curtains. From solid colors to intricate designs there is always something found to use. If there isn’t anything in the curtain section then try the bathroom section. Some shower curtains have even more detail or show scenes on them for great backdrops. If all else fails, try to look through the sheet section of the store. All three of these choices can be any shape. They’re cut down to the size needed or put together for larger frames. They are all cheap and easy ways to create a great backdrop.

Landscape Video Backdrop

Sometimes there is no better picture than one in the great outdoors. The beauty that’s found in a landscape is never duplicated. Beginners can have an object set up or beside an old building or a tree to show great contrast. This is also the area where many photographers use props. Try an old basket lined with a sheet for a baby picture or a sunset above water for an engagement photo. They will all turn out better than imagined.


Paper is another great way to have intricate backdrops at great prices. There is wallpaper that’s applied to a piece of plywood to use. Another option is taping up a piece of wrapping paper. The holidays always have the best designs on wrapping paper. This backdrop sustains itself to create great backdrops over and over again.

There are many different ways to create backdrops. Beginners want great backdrops at cheap prices. The best way to find this is by making them yourself. The one question that is also asked is the frame. Photographers can use something as easy as PVC pipe and glue to make a frame. The more creative means a better picture.

D. Scott Carruthers is a travel enthusiast who loves photography and has since he was a teenager. He also is a vegan. You can find more of his writings at

Here is a very video showing even more creative video/photo backdrop options. 

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