The 10 Most Popular Cat Videos Of All Time

Cat Videos
The most popular post on this blog is a blog post listing popular classified ad sites. 36 classified ad sites where it is not a waste of time to post your ads. It brings me traffic constantly. Somehow this post just worked. One reason the post works is because people are crazy about lists. “The Top 10 Ways To Do This,” “The 100 Most Successful That” etc and etc. I consider this primarily to be blog porn. People love lists but rarely ever take action on any of the information they read. They are mostly content to be just titalated by the information.
By the way, I made a joke about one of the classified ad sites having lots of “erotic ads.” Now I am getting some pretty good traffic on that search term even though the blog post really has nothing to do with erotic ads except for one sentence and one joke. I probably will start getting erotic ad traffic here. Did you hear that Google I am talking about erotic ads but there aren’t any here?!
Google says to just write naturally but so far the bots have not found a way to pick up on irony. I guess there is some seo way not to be indexed for certain keywords but WTF.
There is something else at least equally as popular as erotic ads and that is funny cat videos. It is insane the number of views some of the silliest videos generate. Millions and millions of views. The funny thing is that the people who produce these videos are generally not marketers and they totally blow away all the marketing guru videos in terms of view count. Maybe it is time to get out of talking about marketing business and start selling something to all these cat lovers!
So since I am completely selling out this post is a list of the “Top 10 Most Popular Cat Videos Of All Time!” I am trying to capitalize of people’s obsession with lists and cats at the same time. Enjoy and please share this post like crazy on all your favorite social media sites. Here are the “Top 10 Most Popular Cat Videos Of All Time.”
1. Nyan Cat- 93 Million Views– Apparently fake cats are even more popular than real ones. This video has a whopping 93 million views! It is an animated cat which is flying in place to some of the most annoying music I have ever heard. What am I missing here?
2. Very Angry Cat- 85 Million Views– Not only do funny cat videos have lots of fans but so do angry cat videos. This video is simply called “Very Angry Cat.” How long did it take them to think of that title? It is painfully short. It just shows a pissed off cat in a cage. Hey, I would be pissed off too if I was in a cage waiting for adoption or execution. Animals rights people where are you when we need you! Enjoy “Very Angry Cat” but do not put your finger in the cage.
3. Funny Cats- 75 Million Views– It is amateurish beyond belief. Corny stolen music and the cat people just can’t get enough! What do you think?
4. Mean Kitty Song- 72 Million Views– We have plunged to new lows but apparently new lows do not hurt view count one bit. This is a music video with some cat rap. Yes a rap song about a mean kitty cat. If you want to see a very gay white guy rapping about his cat this video is for you. I do give him credit for writing and producing an original song though. Ladies, I present to you the “Mean Kitty Song!”
5. Surprised Kitty (Original Version) 68 Million Views– Apparently there are lots of people copying this 17 second video but this baby is the original. I admit, this one is cute. It is somebody tickling a real live kitten. How can you go wrong with that? To prolong the cute high you get from the video just keep playing it over and over. I dare you to only play Surprised Kitty just once. Impossible.
6. Two Talking Cats 52 Million Views– This is straight up no hold bars cat porn. No deceptive advertising here. This is a video of 2 plump black and white cats having a somewhat sarcastic cat conversation. Real cats, really doing it. Talking that is. This one will appeal to your Prrrrient interest.
7. Cat Mom Hugs Bay Kitten- 50 Million Views– A newborn kitten twitching from having a bad dream in his mother’s arms. The mamma cat comforts the dreaming kitty with her reassuring paws. I cried. You will too. No annoying music. Just pure kitty love. Can I get an awwwwwww!
8. Cats Playing In Water- 45 Million Views– Bathtubs, babies and cats playing in water. Pure joy!
9. i are cute kitten- 43 Million Views– Yes, this video purposely uses baby grammar to enhance the cute factor of their video. Cats in boxes, in refrigerators (alive don’t worry), in handbags, in hammocks, in coffee cans, and on grills (not hot) etc.
10. Cat Man Do – Simon’s Cat- 40 Million Views– A cartoon cat this time who gets creative with different ways of waking up his master.
I hope you enjoyed the cat videos and my attempt to sell out by writing about doing a list about something popular. I suggest you find something popular to make a list of on your blog. Please share this post on your favorite social media. Your comments are welcome.
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