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How I Find Guest Blogging Opportunities Via Majestic


If you’re tired of looking for guest post opportunities using the good old “write for us” search term, you are at the right place. There are many different research techniques but I think most of us, especially the beginners, rely on Google when finding new sites to guest post on.

Majestic is a powerful tool for keyword and backlink analysis. If you haven’t tried it out yet, I highly suggest you do so. In this tutorial I will explain a simple technique for researching guest post opportunities I’ve been using for a couple of years now. I prefer Majestic but it can be done with Ahrefs, SemRush or any other backlink analysis tool of your preference. This technique is virtually a well that never dries out, so to speak. Without further ado, let’s go over the steps.

Find A Good Competitor

The first step is to find a competitor in a niche similar to you and check out their back link portfolio. Your starting point can be to check out a few popular sites you usually read and find some guest posts.

Then, you take the url of your competitor and paste it into Majestic for back link analysis. Select the ‘root domain’ analysis as it will pick up all of the links that you would have otherwise missed via the ‘url’ or ‘subdomain’ search, for example.

How To Find Guest Blogging Opportunities Via Majestic 1

You might need to check a few different competitors to find the suitable one since not everyone focuses on guest posting. You’ll find that many companies put a lot of effort into local citations, others might leave a lot of comments on other blogs and earn back links that way, while some combine a little bit of everything, including guest posts.

Sift Through The Backlinks

More often than not, you’ll be able to easily determine whether a particular site is a good guest posting opportunity just by taking a quick look at the listed back link urls.

There are a few factors which can help you identify this:

  • Site name ( vs

  • Url structure (does the url contain words such as ‘blog’ ‘article’ or ‘post’ – good indicators- or perhaps ‘directory’ – bad indicator)

  • Directory/business listings (easy to spot by the name and url structure)

  • Optimized anchor text (e.g. Digital Agency Ontario, custom WordPress developers, etc – this is what you’re looking for)

  • Personal names as anchor text (most often indicate blog comments, but you can check these sites as they often accept guest posts, too).

After you check out a few hundred sites, you won’t even need to open most of the backlinks as you’ll develop a clear sense of what’s desirable and what will only waste your time.

Check out this example:

How To Find Guest Blogging Opportunities Via Majestic 2

Collect The Potential Sites

I usually create a sheet with at least 50-100 opportunities and make a small note on the side of each one, if there’s anything I should pay attention to. For example, if the site focuses on Worpdress topics, do they allow only nofollow links or is their minimum word count 1500. You can put anything that would be of significance later on, so you can speed up the process as much as possible.

If you’re lucky enough to find a competitor that’s been working diligently on their guest posting, you can easily find hundreds of new sites that accept guest posts. It will probably take a few shots to find a worthy competitor, but once you find it, it will surely be a great resource for your campaign.

Wrapping Up

So there you have it, a very simple and extremely efficient technique for anyone looking to promote their site via guest posts. I will emphasize once more that you will probably need to check out several different competitors before you find what’s suitable for you, so don’t give up if first couple of searches don’t yield the results. Happy prospecting!

Author bio: Sam Cyrus is CEO and co-founder of, a Digital Marketing agency from Australia. Sam is also a creative writer and likes to share his insights on entrepreneurship, business, online marketing, SEO and social media. He currently collaborates with Nirmal Web Design Sydney.

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