
Category Archives for "Blogging"

8 Tools For Lazy Bloggers


The Most Important Tools for Lazy Bloggers

Writing blogs is fun as long as you are writing about the things you like and you have something to share about. However, the eagerness to write slowly drops as the time goes by and suddenly, you find it hard to do researches on topics because it is time-consuming. Luckily, the internet is full of the tools which will do all that work for you, and you will be focused only on expressing your creativity the right way. Here are some of the tools which will definitely make your blog creation a bit easier.

Feedly – read about anything you like

In order to write a good blog, one must read a lot and keep in touch with all the important things happening around them on the topic that they are currently focusing on. It is sometimes hard to keep track of all the news coming from different websites and manage to read them all. Therefore, Feedly was made in order to make the research part of the bloggers easier. Feedly was designed in such a way to let you choose your own content and sort it out in numerous categories. This will certainly save you time when it comes to picking the right news to read.

iMindQ – brainstorm everything down

Once you have an idea about a blog post, you will need to see what your knowledge of that topic is and how you should approach it. The best way to organize your thought is by mind mapping. Mind mapping is a technique where one puts all his ideas on paper, starting with the most common and universal one and breaking it down to smaller and more concrete ideas. iMindQ is a tool that can help you neatly organize your ideas from which creative and useful blog posts will spring.

Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer – give the right headline

When people scroll down their homepage on Facebook or Instagram, their attention is not really long and a good blogger needs to give a good headline in order to catch the attention and make the surfers click and read his blog post. Therefore, Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer, a tool which is a part of Advanced Marketing Institute, will analyze your headline and give you feedback on whether your headline is „emotional enough“. You can read more on their website if you are interested in the algorithm behind it.

Canva – create images for your blogs

It takes a craftsman to write a good headline and it takes a real artist to maintain reader’s attention throughout the blog post. This can only be achieved by inserting useful and interesting images. However, if you are not familiar with the ways of the Photoshop, you can still use Canva, which is a very simple tool for creating unique images online. The thing that Canva specializes in is creating beautiful typography pictures. Basically, if you want a certain part of your text to be noticed, you can edit it and frame it in Canva, thus making it look both important and beautiful.

Ginger – a tool to proofread and edit your software

Getting rid of basic grammar mistakes and spelling errors can be tricky if you are doing it by yourself. Although Microsoft Word has the option for spell-checking, it is still a better choice to use some of the online tools which are made exclusively for this purpose. Ginger is a piece of software which can help you significantly with this problem. What makes it unique and better than other editors is the fact that it can be installed not only on PCs but also on tablets and smartphones making editing and proofreading available anytime.

Tableau Public – make interactive data visualizations

In order to make your blog more trustworthy, you will need to provide a lot of data based on researches conducted either by you or someone else who published it on the Internet. However, just writing all the data down can be pretty boring and people usually skip this part if it is included within the text. Therefore, you should take all the data and using Tableau Public, make it an eye-candy which will also be interactive and let the users play with it while reading your blog.

IFTTT – It This Than That

IFTTT is an online tool which is made for all the lazy people around the world. It simply connects several apps and services that you use on the internet and makes conditional statements. You can, for example, make a statement which will automatically download your photo from Facebook, every time someone tags you. Basically, this program is a simple robot of a sort that will make your life easier. How can bloggers use this? There are not really step-by-step instructions just play with it and see whether you find it useful.

Trello – organize your tasks

Once you start working on several blog posts and you even include more people to work with you, it will get tricky due to the fact that you will not be able to keep track of everyone’s work. Therefore, you should definitely consider using Trello, which is a tool that simply lets you track your progress by drag and drop mechanism. You can make tasks on Trello and move them through stages in order to follow the progress. Generally speaking, Trello is one huge yet simple app for project management and whether you do it alone or with a group of people, this piece of software will certainly make your life and job a lot easier.

To sum up, being a blogger is fun but sometimes the actual writing is just the mere 10% of all the work that has to be done in order to write a high-quality blog with interesting and engaging content. Therefore, one should consider using these tools in order to reduce that additional work and be able to focus on the things which are important for blogging. Give these pieces of software a try!

Tom Jager is professional blogger. He works at Royal-Essays. He has degree in Law and English literature. Tom has written numerous articles/online journals. You can reach him at G+ or Facebook.

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