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Five Indisputable Examples to Prove that Innovation Is the Key to Online Success


Looking for ways to be innovative is important for all kinds of businesses, but it becomes an absolute must when it comes to launching and running an online business. Just like everyone flocks to the Apple store when a new iPhone is released, people are always looking for a product that’s different and out of the ordinary. It doesn’t mean that you have to reinvent the wheel, but it does mean that your wheel must do something different – something better than everyone else in the market.

Need more evidence? Following are five major businesses that found online success by being more innovative than their competitors.

1. Facebook:

It’s hard to remember what the internet was like before this behemoth social network entered the field, but prior to Facebook’s arrival on the digital scene, there was Tribes, Friendster, and, of course, MySpace. The rise of Facebook came about for one simple reason: it was better. From layout to features to ease of use, the site improved upon what its competitors were offering, and as a result, it left them all in the dust. Its focus was on user experience during a time when its major competitor (MySpace) was focused on numbers and integrating advertising, and users were more than happy to jump ship.

Today Facebook continues to push the envelope, constantly trying to improve its product, which may be why no other social network has come close to pushing it aside. Instead, more and more users join the site, making it more useful – and even harder to take down.

2. Google:

In much the same way that Facebook gobbled up its competition, Google is far out in front when it comes to online search. The difference was its focus on providing better search results. By improving the technology it used to crawl the web, users were able to get more accurate and helpful results, so they came in herds. But that isn’t all. The key to Google’s financial success was selling ads to appear next to those search results. The auction-style purchasing for these ads is just as innovative as its search technology.

Today, it continues to push the envelope, competing with the likes of Microsoft Office, MapQuest, and Facebook with new features like Google Docs, Google Maps, and Google+.

3. Groupon:

The idea had been tried many times before, but no group-buying site had the same success as Groupon. Why? Many people argue that the major difference was the innovative way it presented its deals: with humor and attitude. It not only offered people killer deals, it shared them in an entertaining way. They also differed from competitors by offering a “gift certificate” for the coupons rather than trying to sell upfront, which avoided any trouble with payment processing, training, and customer service.

4. WordPress

Again, the key to one of the most popular and commonly used content management system’s success is its constant innovation. As an open source platform, its users keep it from getting stale by continuing to offer new plug-ins, templates, and features to meet anyone’s needs. Unlike other systems which rely on a team of hired programmers to make a change, WordPress has the entire world as its potential “employee” pool, which means that it is able to adapt faster to changes that come down the road. And of course, it also doesn’t hurt that the CMS is absolutely free.

5. Pinterest:

If you haven’t heard of this new photo-sharing site, you will soon. It recently became the fastest site to reach 10 million monthly visitors, and it continues to grow. What sets Pinterest apart from sites like Facebook or Flickr is the emphasis on sharing content – not on sharing yourself. You can easily “pin” images to a virtual bulletin board where friends can view it and even share it on their own board. But unlike other sharing sites, the emphasis isn’t on what you did or ate or read or watched. Instead, people tend to share ideas – for everything from craft projects and hair styles to home décor and outfits.

But this site just entered the scene, so who knows where it is headed – and what innovations it will make along the way!
Arba is an Internet Marketing and Innovation expert. For more information about new product innovation innovation consultancy, or innovation companies , you can visit her website.