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New Backpage Ad Posting Software for 2016

Backpage Easy Ad Software Backpage Ad Posting Software

I just spent 3 days straight programming the new Backpage Ad Posting Software and it is now working great! This software will post your ads automatically on which is the 2nd highest traffic classified ad site in the world after Craigslist.

We were having troubles solving the new image captchas but after quite a bit of work we figured out a work around and the software works with captcha service to solve the captchas for you. You can still fill them out yourself if you enjoy filling out captchas but for 60 cents for 1000 filled out captchas I think it is well worthwhile to use the service to do it for you.

I have made many sales from placing ads on Backpage. Being able to post ads on Backpage without having to re-post them manually to each city makes this software a traffic machine. Here are some features of the new Backpage Easy Ad Submitter:

  • Software Which Submits Your Ad to up to 500 Cities on Backpage Automatically
  • Easy 1 Click Submission. Set and Forget.
  • Optional Use of Proxies.
  • Use Spintax for Emails, Titles and Description.
  • Ability to Use Html in Ad Description.
  • Ability to Use a Captcha Services to solve image captchas.
  • Clicks all the email confirmation links for you automatically!
  • Included is our Ninja Guide on How to Get Your Ads to Stick on Backpage.

Backpage Easy Ad Submitter Software Can Rotate Your Titles, Emails, and Descriptions Using Spintax

If you just post the same ad title and description over and over again on almost any website that is worth posting to your ads will get deleted because most site owners do not want the exact same ads all over their site. Backpage Easy Ad Submitter gets around this by using what is called spintax.

Spintax allows you to rotate as many titles as you wish so that you are not placing the exact same ad over and over again. All you have to do is come up with some good titles. One way to do this is just to look at what you competitors are doing on Backpage and YouTube. Type in your keywords into YouTube and you will get lots of title ideas.

For example if I type in “Backpage Ad Posting Software” in YouTube here are some of the titles that come up.

New Backpage Ad Posting Software l 2016 Edition
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BackPage Ad Poster – What Makes This BackPage Ad Posting Software Different?

Now I go to a website called “

I just copy and paste the above titles into the window on, click “Spin”, click “copy” then it produces the following:

{New Backpage Ad Posting Software l 2016 Edition|How to Make Money Online – Backpage Ad Posting Software [$200+ Daily Autopilot]|BackPage Ad Posting Software – Proof That The Software Works|Backpage Ad Posting Software …Here’s My Review On This Awesome Backpage Ad Posting Software!|Automated Backpage Ad Posting Software|Help With Backpage Ad Posting Software Download And Install|Automated Backpage Ad Posting Software – How To Post Ads On Backpage|Best Backpage Autoposter software|Backpage Classified Ad Posting Software Proof|Backpage ad posting for Traffic Monsoon|Backpage Ad Posting Software | Classified Ad Posting Software | Autopilot Ad Posting Software|BackPage Ad Poster – What Makes This BackPage Ad Posting Software Different?}

Now I just copy and paste these titles that are in spintax into the title field of Backpage Easy Ad Submitter.

Now when Backpage Easy Ad Submitter starts posting titles it will rotate different titles every time it submits an ad. This way you will not be submitting the exact same title over and over on Backpage and your ad will have a better chance of staying live.

Spintax is very simple. You have the curly brackets {} and you put all your titles in between the curly brackets. Then you separate the with pipe symbols “|” So here is an example of titles in spintax: {title 1|title2|title3}

You can use spintax with your email addresses, titles, and descriptions. This way you are constantly rotating different ad copy and you are posting unique ads rather than posting the same thing over and over.

Here is a video which shows you how to find title ideas on YouTube, put them into spintax, then put those titles into Backpage Easy Ad Submitter.

Backpage Easy Ad Submitter Solves Image Captchas For You

Not only will Backpage Easy Ad Submitter rotate titles, email addresses, and descriptions for you but it will also solve the image captchas. I am sure you have seen the image captchas when you try to post ads or anything on many sites. An image will pop up and you have to click on images that correspond to the phrase.

Here is an example of an image captcha:


Backpage Easy Ad Submitter Solve Image Captcha

In order to post your ad you would need to click on the images that contain grass. You can sit there and click the images yourself with the software but this can be extremely time consuming. Our software works with captcha service which will solve these image captchas for you. This way you are liberated from the tedious task of clicking the images yourself.

2captcaha actually uses real people to solve the captchas for you so in actuality it is not a robot filling out the captcha. Sometime they choose the right pictures sometimes they do not. However, you are not charged for unsolved captchas and the service is dirt cheap. It costs about 60 cents to have 1000 captchas solved. Your time is certainly worth more than that so it is a good investment. 60 cents is nothing to pay to have 1000 ads posted on Backpage.

Here is a video which shows Backpage Easy Ad Submitter Backpage Software posting ads and solving captchas automatically:

New Backpage Ad Posting Software l 2016 Edition by thefreeadforum

To download Backpage Easy Ad Submitter and to learn more please visit here.