
Category Archives for "Email Marketing"

Is My $12. Safelist Worth The Money?


Well, I am still working on my big plan to take revolutionize the internet advertising world but in the meantime I am still selling these little safelist memberships that I started selling bout 6 years ago. Is it worth it to join my little safelist and send out your ads to the members? Well, I do not believe in hype I believe in facts. So I have put screenshots of the last two years of statistics. As of the writing of this post I have 3493 paid members in my safelist. It is important to note that ALL of these members paid to join this safelist. There are many safelists with more members but most of them are free members. Heck, I have over 110,000 members of The Free Ad Forum but these are not 110,000 buyers. I wish! So for $12. per year you can send your ad out to the entire database everyday. Keep in mind that members are constantly being added to the list and others are leaving. So it is a constantly changing list of buyers. Yes, let me say it again. All of these members have purchased something on the internet. A buyers lists is way more valuable than a freeebie seeker list. So does anybody see these ads? Here are the stats for both 2009 and 2008. 2009 Stats 2008 Stats

Notice that for 2009 over 57,000 people clicked on the credit links. There is both a regular mailer and by far more mail goes out with the regular mailer. So if 57,000 people clicked on the credit links more than double that clicked on regular links. But the important point is that people cannot click on any links unless they see your ad. People are viewing ads with They also are all BUYERS. They paid for a membership. There is no free option with this safelist.

For me the first job of an advertising service is to get my ad before real buyers. Then it has to do so in a cost effective manner. Well this costs $12. per year. $1. per month. Dirt cheap actually. Obviously you are not going to get rich sending your ads daily to this safelist but for $12. you might get additional members to your newsletter who you can market to over and over again. (They are buyers remember? Have I made this point?) You could make some sales. You could get some people to link back to you. Bottom line your ads are going out, people are seeing them and it costs next to nothing. I think that is worth being in your arsenal of advertising tools. Especially if you are on a budget.

I realize this is not the sexiest topic. I could be writing about how I made millions through traffic arbritrage with ppv traffic (working on that.) But people keep joining, keep using and keep viewing ads sent out by this darn safelist. If you want to join you may do so here.

If you want us to set you up with your own website SELLING safelist memberships see my site Safelist memberships are easy to sell because everyone is looking for advertising for their business. Many marketers have found their first success online selling safelist memberships. See here to learn more about See here to view a tutorial on how I sold over 6000 safelist memberships. I still sell them almost everyday

In any case good luck and let me know what your experiences have been with safelists, even this one in the past.

Matthew Meyer

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