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How to Develop a Sophisticated Link Building Approach


Links control the web. It’s all about having the right links, and the right amount of them. Of course, you’ve probably read a lot of articles on link building by now, but how sure are you about the effectiveness of the tips in these articles? How long do you really think they would rank?

People have always looked for ways to game the system, and it’s only a matter of time before you see another link building system released to the public.

The thing about systems like this is that they have their limits, and this is evidenced by the recent problems Build My Rank has been experiencing with Google. It’s a link building network, but Google has decided to shut it down. In other words, all those that have depended on it to build backlinks over the years will have their links invalidated, and new users that just made their payment will have to look for ways to get it back.

Very few people realize this, but SEO isn’t really about gaming the system. Of course, that doesn’t mean you should leave the Google gods to determine how your site will be ranked. You have to do something, but most importantly you have to do it right.

This article will be giving you a few tips on how to develop a sophisticated link building approach, mostly based on what I’m going to use for my led lights website. I hope that by the time you finish reading this you will be able to go back to your site with a tip or two.

The Reason Behind the Madness…

…One that has plagued the SEO world for a while now.

There’s a major problem and misconception that has been influencing what people do when it comes to their site’s SEO, but the problem is that the approach most people take isn’t effective and they don’t want to admit it. The one problem I’m talking about has to do with the belief that it’s all about the number of links. Most people are already conditioned to believe in quantity over quality, and they take this to the SEO world, too, expecting to get some pretty decent results.

The reality about good SEO, and every smart link builder knows this, is that quality trumps quantity. Gone are the days when you can easily build hundreds of social media links and notice a surge in rankings, and gone are the days when you get links from any site and see results. Search engines are now smarter than ever, and they can easily spot a real link from a fake one. Of course, that doesn’t mean you should stop building links, it just means you should be smart about your approach.

We All Want Results, Fast

That is the root cause of all these; we all want results so fast, and effortlessly that we’re ready to get backlinks using any means. Unfortunately, the times are changing, and dabbling in any form of unethical link building approach might burn your business.

SEO is a game of time, but you can also increase your chances of getting results by putting in more efforts. There’s no magic bullet, and this game can’t be cheated; you shouldn’t even try to. Of course, some people are cheating it, but for how long?

I can understand why you want your business to grow fast, because after all, you have to pay the bills. But you also have to determine whether what you want is a 3 months growth that lasts the next 3 months, or a 1 year growth that lasts the next 10 years.

Avoid All Forms of Link Automation

Yes, that’s the key. That’s the solution to developing a sophisticated link building approach for your website; you can believe it or not, but this is the key. Of course, automation makes things fast and lazy, but people will always abuse it, and search engines also frown at it for this very reason.

A great way to then increase your chances of getting better results from your efforts is to avoid all forms of link automation. Don’t try to use software applications to build links, and anything that requires little or no input from you when it comes to link building will almost always die. There is a Solution There is a solution, though. And that solution is to start building smart links.

You’ve probably come across various smart ways to build links before, but I’ll give you a refresher now:

Guest Blogging

This seems to be the number one link building technique of this age, and you better use it while it lasts. Search engines will probably always favor guest blogging, because you’re contributing value to your blog as well as that of the other blogger. It’s the same thing I’m using to grow my led lights website right now, and it works great. Of course, guest blogging takes time and effort to show results, but it will be well worth it on the long run.

If you’re not familiar with guest blogging yet, you should check out the resource below:

Blogging Collaboration: Get other experts and fellow bloggers to contribute to a project/post on your blog. Use that opportunity to praise their products and their efforts, make them proud, and tell them to link back to the post in one of their future posts. Some of them will do it, and every quality link matters.

What Other Method Would You Use? What do you think about this article? What other link building methods do you use, kindly share below in the comments section.

John Holt is an expert link builder and guest blogger that help people find the best led lights.

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