
Category Archives for "Video Marketing"

How To Make RSS Feeds Out Of Your YouTube And Dailymotion Video Channels


Updated for 2017 for YouTube. This is what is working right now. The instructions for DailyMotion still work.

  1. Go to the YouTube channel you want to track
  2. View the page’s source code
  3. Look for the following text: channel-external-id
  4. Get the value for that element (it’ll look something like UCBcRF18a7Qf58cCRy5xuWwQ
  5. Replace that value into this URL:

Click here to see the RSS of my YouTube channel.

Now you can paste that into any RSS reader and you’ll be able to track when new content is posted.

==============================No longer works for YouTube=====================

Ok this is easy. If you want to find out what the RSS feed of your YouTube channel is here it is:

Just replace “YOURYOUTUBECHANNELNAME” with you guessed it your YouTube channel name. That will be your RSS feed for your YouTube channel.


This works as of 2017 for Dailymotion. Here is your RSS feed for your Dailymotion channel:

Same deal. Just replace “YOURDAILYMOTIONCHANNELNAME” with your Dailymotion channel name.

Here is our RSS feed for our DailyMotion channel.

What to do with your new found RSS feeds? You can submit your RSS feeds to RSS directories to get valuable backlinks to your websites. Here is some software that will submit your RSS feeds to over 100 RSS directories automatically.

You can also bookmark your RSS feeds in all the major bookmarketing sites. Bookmark Demon is the best software I have found for that task. Here is the link for Bookmark Demon.

P.S. Almost forget one thing. Do you have an Aweber account? Did you know each of your lists with Aweber has an RSS feed of all your email broadcasts? Here is the RSS feed url for my Aweber list

I use Profollow with is a reseller of Aweber and completely run by Aweber. If you have a proper Aweber account your RSS feed for you broadcast archives is Why not submit your newsletter broadcast feeds to all the bookmarking sites and RSS directories? All the more backlinks for you! I would appreciate your comments. Thank you. Matt.

P.S. See here to learn more about Google’s iGoogleGadget feed reader.

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