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Website Promotion


Review of Frank Kern’s Screw Google System


Well, I was randomly searching on Frank Kern’s blog for ideas on how to improve my blog when I stumbled on a post where he claimed he knew how to screw Google. Google Adwords have been slapping around advertisers quite a bit lately, including myself, and we are plenty mad. Any way to screw Google definitely interests me. By screwing Google I mean actually finding an advertising sources which are cheaper and convert better than Google Adwords.

On this blog post Kern claims to have a special secret source of traffic which blows away Google so that you do not even have to think about Google anymore. Screw em! To learn about this secret source of traffic it would only cost me $1. But here is the catch. I am automatically subscribed to Info Marketing Monthly which will be conveniently billed to me for $97. per month until I cancel.

At least I know the deal. As long as I remember to cancel this will only cost me one dollar. Of course if Kern’s Info Marketing Monthly is so awesome I might decide it is worth continuing at $97. per month. So I paid the $1. and downloaded the pdf file, Screw Google.

So what is this secret source of traffic that makes Google obsolete? Yahoo Search Marketing. Not really a big secret Frank. I have tested this platform quite a bit and it has never converted as well as Google Adwords. And I really wanted it to! Because Frank is right Yahoo is way easier to deal with than Google. They actually want your business.

Upon further reading of the PDF Frank recommends tracking your campaigns so that you can tell exactly which keywords are converting to sales. He recommends the tracking service This service will tell you which keywords in your campaigns are converting to sales. This way you can stop paying for low converting keywords and focus you ad spending. I had not been doing this with my Yahoo campaigns so maybe this could make the difference between making money and losing money with PPC.

Kern also recommends leaving the content match section of Yahoo search marketing unchecked. This means that your ad will only be on the Yahoo network and not on other sites. He says this type of traffic converts better. I had the content match section on during my unsuccessful campaigns. Perhaps this could make the difference between a successful campaign or a failure.

Overall the members area is full of very good information. It is definitely worth risking the $1. I am not sure I will continue for the $97. per month. I do appreciate the tweeks I learned about Yahoo Search Marketing. Be careful though, it is tricky making money with PPC. You really have to have a product which already converts extremely well. To his credit, Frank does cover this topic first and in detail with his “Screw Google System.”

Update. November 11 2009.

Hey, if you want to see the real Screw Google system check out my new site I have found a way of getting real keyword targeted advertising for as little as 1 cent per view of your website. I have been testing this source with my own bucks and it is giving me real sales and signups.