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Website Promotion
I just started using Otogoldmine plug and play one time offer system a few days ago and I have made about $300. so far in found money. I say found money because I did not have to take anything away from my website, or place another ad on my website. I just put a little piece of code on my autoresponder form redirecting my subscribers to a one time offer. If they choose not to accept the one time offer they are redirected to the original page. So all the interaction is after they have subscribed to my newsletter so they were not distracted in any way from subscribing. Gee, if I average about $50. per day (some days it has been $99. and $123.) that is about $1500. per month found money! I wish I had been using this system for the last 3 years. It could have bought myself a porsche or a condo! Here is a video showing how to use the system. It is quite simple.
I joined the free version for the first day. You get 50% commissions as a free member. Pro members get 75% commission. I believe it was like $67 one time to upgrade. It was a no brainer. I upgraded and the next day made $123. Worth it! If you want to join for free you can do so here. If you have a subscription form on your website and you are not using it your are losing money. If you have comments please leave them in the comments section. I am especially interested in results you get using the system. It is so nice to actually use something that really works and works right away. Brilliant!
I want to thank Jason Dinner for turning me on to Otogoldmine. I was reviewing his course and I saw this technique and really kicked myself for not having used this sooner. Mike Filsaime claims to have made $1 million using this technique. I believe him. By the way if you are making no money online get Jason’s course. He takes you by the hand and really shows you exactly what to do assuming you know nothing. (Fill out his little survey, skip his video life story and just get the course. It is top notch.)
Don’t wait on this one. It really works.
Matthew Meyer.