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Website Promotion
I sent out an email to all members of my sites asking them to take a look a Paul’s video where he shows how he makes $1 million from just one affiliate program. If you want to see it you may do so here.
After you view the video you are asked to join his newsletter. Then you are redirected to a form where you can sign up for an intro coaching package with what seems like a major mlm program. I joined Paul’s affiliate program and boy does it convert and pay well! You can join too for free here. Just to give you an idea how well this does it converts and pays 1.5 times better than Adsense on my site.
The reason I asked you to look at his video was to see what he is doing not to join his mlm program. You see it is a lot easier to get someone to fill out a form than to buy something. There are companies which will pay you big bucks just to get people to fill out their prospect generation form. Sometimes up to $50. per name! There are networks such as Azoogle and RoiRocket who specialize in these offers. I just applied for RoiRocket so we will see how this goes.
Now what Paul is doing is brilliant. He has found a company which I guess will pay him $50. per name then he recruits affiliates and pays them $2-$5. per name. CPA arbritage! Brilliant. It is a win win. Even at $2-$5. this is one of the best paying affiliate programs that I have found. It is the only one so far which has completely beat Adsense. Folks this concept of CPA (Cost Per Action) is the one concept so far that competes with and even beats Adsense. A real Adsense alternative.