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Website Promotion
I recently purchased two licenses of 1-2-All Email Marketing Obviously I was pleased because I paid $189. twice. Folks, sometimes it really pays to go with the best.
My problem was the I was using the popular Vbulletin software to run my very fast growing 67,000 member marketing forum . One of the reasons I started the forum was to create a very high quality double confirmed list of marketers that I could market to as well. The problem was that even though Vbulletin is an excellent forum software it does not handle large email lists very well. No way to handle undeliverables, no way to handle removes. It got hung up on large lists and really did not deliver to the whole list. So what to do? I have this great list of marketers but I cannot market to them.
I could have exported that database and then uploaded it to one of my other fine software programs like but there were several problems. First, how to I handle new members? 1000 people per week were joining my forum. Should I export the list every week? What a hassle. What about removes? If I have an outside database and they are removed from that database they are not removed from the original database. Man what a nightmare!
Problem solved with 1-2-All Email Marketing You see this email software has a function which will automatically coordinate itself with outside mysql databases. If someone clicks the remove link in 1-2-All Email Marketing Software the person is flagged and will not be sent to again without actually removing them from the forum. So people can stay a member of the forum and choose not to receive emails from admin by clicking the remove link in the messages sent by 1-2-All Email Marketing Software
The coordination of the outside mysql database and 1-2-All Email Marketing Software is very easy. Just fill in the mysql details and it automatically coordinates the two databases. You can even personalize email messages with name and email. The software also handles removes beautifully. No need to send to bad addresses over and over. It will remove bad email addresses automatically if they fail several times.
Also, 1-2-All Email Marketing has a built in autoresponder. Now if someone joins my forum they automatically get follow up messages giving them ideas on how to better use the forum every few days. What a cool feature!
1-2-All Email Marketing is first class all the way. You can track opens on your campaigns saved archived messages and most importantly it is rock solid and really works. These programmers are first class. They do it right. The emails are delivered completely and you can track it all the way.
I have now not only set it up with my forum members on the Vbulletin software for but also for my database of 8000 with
I had a few issues at first and the service was excellent and prompt. Since then I have not needed to contact them because it has worked perfectly. How refreshing! These guys at Active Campaign are first class.
A word of warning. You might see Blogtorank’s MadMailer software or BlogToRank’s – EPC vbMailer for vBulletin Full Version. Folks run away from these guys! They promise most of the same features of 1-2-All Email Marketing but they deliver on none of them. I have the latest version of the Vbulletin software and a powerful dedicated server. Even after giving them my server details they were never able to get either BlogToRank’s – EPC vbMailer for vBulletin BlogToRank’s – EPC Mad Mailer for vBulletin to work at all. I am talking about it could not even send out test emails. Beyond just glitchy. It just does not work. I started with the BlogToRank’s – EPC vbMailer for vBulletin and when it did not work they said I needed to upgrade to Mad Mailer. I paid the extra money and they still could not get it to work at all. I gave them many chances. I am not one of these people who gives up easy. I really needed a solution to my problem and I was ready to pay. After trying over and over to get them to fix it they never did. I tried disputing with Paypal but they immediately escalated the dispute which automatically finds in favor of the seller if it is a software purchase. Even though I have done business with over 6000 confirmed Paypal users selling intangible products I did not know this. I did not know this because I try to actually deliver for my customers. However, BlogtoRank was very familiar with this process. Hmmm? In any case I like to stay positive. 1-2-All Email Marketing rocks! I you have an already existing database and need mailing software or you just want to manage your own mailing list you will not be dissappointed.