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How Article Directory can Help You Make Money Online


The days are gone when one used to research the market, used to rush taking loans and then establishing small or large setup of factory. After setting up all, he or she would meet break even point first and then start making profits. This whole story is now no more existing as the biggest revolution called ‘internet’ has broken all misbelieves that one can generate business through hard-work. What all it says is ‘do smart work not hard work!” Internet has become one of the most important profit making tools in the field of business. Your great ideas with little efforts will make huge difference to your earnings.

There are many ways to earn out of ‘World Wide Web!’ and having your own website is something like icing on the cake. A website owner can mint money like anything if done in a smarter way. One of the most favorable is having your own article directory that can help you generating business.

If you are a mouse-potato, you must know that websites are nothing without having good information or in simple words contents. If content is good, your website is appreciated and hence can be visited very often. There will also be a word-of-mouth publicity that can make your site better in terms of generating revenues. Now, one has to think that all these contents come from authentic writers and if any one finds all the contents or materials on one website, that website has to rock!

Article directory is something that houses articles on various subjects and fields. If you want to start it, articles should be very informative and useful. They should also rich in keywords. One should understand that proper keywords density can bring the website up on the search engine’s results and to be on the top of the results is nothing but ruling the world!

Articles can be submitted on this article directory and on the same page, one can put name with brief information about the author into biobox so that if a visitor likes the article and finds your content informative, your webpage starts attracting visitors like magnet and the traffic to your webpage is automatically increased. Once your article directory’s website becomes busy, you will be ranked higher in search engine’s results and your PR (page ranking) will go up. All these efforts will end up in making money. You might get an invitation to put your articles on different websites and your one article may travel hundreds and thousands of websites, which in turn can bring you money.

Your article directory can also bring lots of advertisements and pop-ups onto your webpage and you can also charge for them. For this, you should try reaching other website owners offering best rates in the industry. Once you get these advertisements, this will also be non-ignorable profit from your article directory. On your article directory website, you can also build links (called as link-building), which is an extremely helpful tool in e-marketing. Link building, link submission and URL submission can also generate good amount of funds for you.

With proper and smart planning, your article directory can fill up innumerable amount of articles into its account and probably much more than that the dollars into your pocket!!!

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Alan Liew is the owner of Money Maker Info Blog – a blog for people to learn how to make money online.