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Website Promotion
The great advantage to article marketing is that it is free. It does take some time though. Here are some of your options for this great free advertising method. My favorite is to write your own articles.
You can write your own articles. Like I said before this method is true free advertising.
Try to take about 15 minutes within the day to write a simple article about your business. Make sure to include the keywords that you think people will be looking for when they search for your business.
It does not have to be great prose. You goal is free advertising. Try writing one article per day and then submit your article to the major free advertising article direcories.
If you need ideas lurk around forums appropriate to your subject and read and ask questions. You will surprised how much you learn. The forums may also let you post your articles. This is also excellent free advertising.
The more quality websites who link back to you the more traffic and sales you will get. Remember this is a free advertising method but it is a long term approach which will continue to give you benefits for months to come. So be patient!
You links in the resource section of your ad will generally stay there for the life of the site. This is long term free advertising.
You can also have others write articles for you. You may not have the aptitude or the time to write your own articles. There are many reasonable services which will write original articles for you. Just do a search for “article submission services” on Google.
You may not want to submit your articles individually to each directory. This is free advertising but time consuming. You might want to check out services such as Isnare and Article Marketer which will submit your articles for you for a fee. This is not free but maybe your time is more valuable. In any case article marketing is an excellent free advertising method if not almost free.
John Le Papillon is a specialist in finding free advertising opportunities and frequent contributor to The Free Advertising forum at where you can post your ads and articles to over 40,000 marketers daily.