
Category Archives for "Website Promotion"

Website Promotion

Protect your flash source code


is the single best flash source protection software in the world.
People are losing there valuable flash source code all the time. If you are a webmaster and have just created a flash intro for your site, it will be stolen and sold, there is no doubt about it. It takes 10 seconds to
steal your code, everybody who uses flash is under threat. If
you have created a flash game, it will be stolen and put on another
arcade site losing you valuable traffic. What happens when you don’t buy

1) Duplicate content of your creation all over the internet.
Losing you valuable ppc money and traffic.
\2) If you are not protected , you don’t have rights. People can
steal your code and simply sell it without your knowledge.
3) Your company loses reputation, how could you not see this

The threat is growing each day with copy cat arcade sites, flash
pages and flash games. The only solution is

My commission rates are 50% you get $15 per sale. This market is
untapped ,that means an entire new market with lucrative potential is
waiting to be opened. Anti virus software rake in hundreds of millions a year. With an unlimited customer reach waiting to be Ranked 523 in alexa which has over 100,000 members who make flash games , flash movies and flash applications. $15 x 100,000 = $1.5 million. Millions of people use flash
everyday withoutprotection, what have you got to lose? See: