Category Archives for "Website Promotion"Website Promotion
Website Promotion
Guaranteed Visitors to Your Web Site! 10,000 Visitors for only $179.00 This is REAL Web Site traffic! We place real people in front of your web site.We’ve developed a marketing system that WILL Explode your business!
We use full page pop under windows, re-directed search engine listings, & full page exit windows from our TARGETEDnetwork of web sites and directories. We plug your site into our MASSIVE Network of contributing traffic sources and the traffic is diverted to YOUR web site!
Someone visits a search engine and performs a keyword search for “business opportunity.” When the engine displays the list of suitable web sites, some of those listings will be ours. The surfer clicks on our listing and we re-direct them to YOUR WEBSITE!
This goes the same for any business you’re promoting.
We target hundreds of categories.
Don’t even think about using any other method of traffic delivery other than ours. You’re just throwing your money away.
Purchase our traffic and watch your earnings Skyrocket!
Get started today! Your traffic will begin within 24 hours!
Includes “real time” statistics panel.View your campaign progress at any time.
Targeted Traffic! If you sell vitamins, we send people to your site who want vitamins.If you sell insurance, we send people to your site interested in insurance.
If you’re offering a Work at Home opportunity, we target Work at Home Enthusiasts!
We have HUNDREDS of Targeted Categories!
We can target ANY business category!
We review your site and match the category for you!
(We handle this on OUR end)
All orders are automatically targeted USA unless you state otherwise.
We can also target by region…. Combo USA/Canada or Worldwide, if you prefer.