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Website Promotion
Hi, my name’s Michael Cheney and I’m addicted to AdSense..
I can’t help it. From the day I placed that very first ad on my site I saw the potential of it to make me loads of money and I’ve been losing sleep over how to earn more ever since.
You know what the real kick-in-the-nuts thing is? Although you can get registered really easily and get those first ads on your site it’s a whole different ball game when you come to actually try and earning a decent living from AdSense. I’ll never forget looking at my stats page after that first long month..
Does this sound familiar to you?
It was late and my eyes were hurting. I must have logged into my AdSense account about a hundred times that day and still the figures staring back at me hurt more than ever..
After all those hours of effort, after all that time I spent adding content and trying to get traffic to my site and all for what? All because I believed that it was possible to make a decent amount of money from AdSense.
But you know what my reward was? A pathetic $2 per day!
“You know how painful it is when after all your hard work and effort you login to your AdSense account and see a poxy $2 for ONE DAY.”
I really couldn’t believe it – all that time and effort trying to work the AdSense system and hardly anything to show for it. But that was when I decided to learn EVERYTHING I could about AdSense..
I locked myself away and disappeared off the face of planet and became an ‘AdSense Sponge’ absorbing everything I could about AdSense. I ran thousands of tests, starting trying weird and wacky things, read thousands of pages about AdSense and simply lived and breathed AdSense for months and months and months.
It was the most challenging and tiring thing I’ve ever done but I came out of the other side with something that has literally changed my life – a simple, step-by-step blueprint for making a ton of cash with AdSense.
Now I’m paying my mortgage off using the money I get from AdSense.
Now I’m going on holidays to the Carribbean using the money I get from AdSense.
Now I’m watching my favourite football team, not on the TV, but in their stadium enjoying a ‘bells-and-whistles’ platinum package using the money I get from AdSense!
“You are going to watch me as, for the first time, I
show you EXACTLY HOW I make life-changing
amounts of money every month from AdSense”