
Category Archives for "YouTube"

How to Make Killer YouTube Thumbnails using Even if You Suck at Graphic Design


I do not even know how to draw a proper stick figure. I failed art class. The teacher just shook her head and said “This really is not for you.” I suck at graphic design yet even I can make cool YouTube thumbnails using Here are some samples I did using

How to create a youtube thumbnail with How to make youtube thumbnails with How to make youtube thumbnails with

Having an attractive YouTube thumbnail can help encourage people to click on your videos and get your more views and higher rankings for your videos on both YouTube and in Google. Because Google owns YouTube and ranks YouTube videos favorably in their search listings. is a free service. They do have some upgrades but I used only the free version to create my thumbnails. Here is a video I did showing exactly how I create these thumbnails is just a few minutes. Keep in mind I have next to no graphic design ability and ZERO artistic ability.


Now my video shows you how a newbie with no graphic design skilles makes a nice looking YouTube thumbnail. In learning about I discovered another video which took me to the next level.

These gentlemen have a YouTube channel totally focused on created and promoting videos and YouTube channels. They know their business. They have over 100,000 subscribers. Their channel is called Video Influencers. If you want to know more about marketing online with video check them out.

I would love to hear your comments if you have had experience with creating YouTube thumbnails. If you found this article helpful please like and share. Thank you!



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