Free Long Tail Keyword Research Tool- Get Unlimited Long Tail Keyword Ideas

You can download this software and $597. of SEO and Marketing software for free here.
This simple effective programmed by the folks at Supragrowth will find unlimited long tail keyword ideas based on your initial keyword input.
Just input your keywords and click on “Start Generating Keywords” and the software will search Google for hundreds of long tail keywords.
You can then download these keywords by clicking on export results.
Then you can use these keywords in your articles and videos to get higher rankings in Google.
Long tail keywords are a smart way to do SEO. It is almost impossible to rank for “personal injury lawyer new york” because the keyword is unbelievably competitive.
It is Sometimes Better to Rank For Less Competitive Multiple Long Tail Keywords Rather Than Focusing on Very Competitive Main Keywords
However, there are lots of other keywords that people search for in the same niche that you might never have thought that will be less competitive and easier to rank for.
It is sometimes a better strategy for competitive niches to go for several long tail keywords rather than the same super competitive keywords everyone else is optimizing for.
For example it would be easier to rank for “gay personal injury attorneys in the bronx” than “personal injury attorneys New York.”
Keyword Feast will not only search Google for long tail keywords but it take take keywords from the Google suggestions at the bottom of each search request.
For example if I type “personal injury laywer new york” into Gooogle I get these suggestions at the bottom of Google search:
Virtually any of the long tail keywords above will be easier to rank for than the original search “personal injury lawyer new york.”
Just check a check box and Keyword Feast will search specifically for Google suggestions at the bottom of searches. The advantage or ranking for Google suggestions is that people are actually searching for these terms and they are less competitive.
Keyword Feast will create a very substantial list of long tail keywords in your niche and export them in csv or html format.
To download this software and over $597. of SEO and marketing software for free see here.
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