Free Software Hijacks Highly Ranked Tumblr Blogs (Expired Tumblr Hunter 3.0)

Requirements to run software:
Windows 8.1 or later or a remote windows vps.
Chrome Browser Must Be Installed on Your Machine
Expired Tumblr Hunter searches Bing for Tumblr Blogs That Are Already Ranked For Your Keywords Then Checks to See if They are Available to Re-register.
Highly Ranked Tumblr Blogs Are Often Abandoned By Their Owners. You Can Reclaim Them For Yourself.
Many Tumblr blogs get ranked in Google and Bing for specific keywords but the owners decide not to keep them active. Then they expire.
This is your opportunity to re-register these Tumblr blogs and populate them with your own content.
The advantage is that these blogs already are ranked for your keywords. Tumblr blogs can make excellent high quality keyword rich back links for your main website or can become a top ranking portal on their own.
Why Start Your Own Tumblr Blog From Scratch When Highly Ranked Are Available For The Taking
1. Download the software from by joining our newsletter here. You will be sent a link where you can download this software along with $597. of other marketing software for free.
2. Save the software to your hard drive. Right click and run as administrator. If you have a MAC you can use a remote windows vps to run the software.
See: The software will be installed at:
C :\Expired Tumblr_Hunter\Expired_Tumblr_Hunter_3,0.exe
You can also make a shortcut for the software on your Desktop.
3. Step one is to input your keywords. We suggest inputting 1-3 keyword phrases at first. You can add more later. To get keyword ideas you can use a free keyword scraper you can download here.
Then choose how many pages of Bing you want to scrape for each keyword. The maximum number of pages you can scrape per keyword is 10.
4. Then just click on “Start Hunting.” The software will open up Chrome then start finding blogs that are already ranked for your keywords on Bing. It searches one keyword phrase at a time on to 10 pages of Bing.
After the software scrapes the blogs it will start to ping the blogs. If the blog username is not pingable then it checks to see if the blog username is available to register at
The software will save all usernames that are available to register at C :\Expired_Tumblr_Hunter\valid_usernames.txt
You can now visit and register the blogs and populate them with your own content.
Common Issues and Additional Information
A black screen will pop up. This is normal. You can minimize it or just ignore it. It does not affect the functioning of the software.
There is also another version of the software located at:
C :\Expired_Tumblr_Hunter\Expired_Tumblr_Hunter_headless.exe .
This version also uses Chrome but does so in the background and does not actually open the browser up on your machine.
The most common issue with this software is that your Chrome Browser does not match the version of chromedriver in the software folder.
To solve this issue:
Check your version of Chrome Browser. Here is a video which shows you how. It refers to one of our other software but the process is the same.
Download the version of chromedriver that matches your version of Chrome Browser.
Unzip the file and copy and paste chromedriver into: C: \Expired_Tumblr_Hunter\ overwriting the file that exists.
Restart the program.
This software is free. You are welcome to give it away or use it as an incentive to join your list. Your are NOT, however, allowed to sell the software.
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