Godaddy Website Builder- Create Pro Affiliate Website Fast No Coding Needed. Free Trial!

Here is a simple step by step guide on how to set up a simple affiliate marketing website using Godaddy Website Builder. The goal is for you to get a professional looking website up and running without the need for knowing how to code, html or even using an ftp software.
Godaddy website builder makes the process of building a professional website accessible for almost anyone.
If you are in affiliate marketing you need your own website and domain name. In order to promote affiliate promotions you need an audience. Having your own, website, blog, YouTube/Rumble channel, and mailing list are essential to building a successful affiliate marketing business.
You can register an account with Godaddy here. is a re-seller for Godaddy. If you are interested in becoming a reseller for Godaddy see here.
One you register an account with Godaddy you will be able to start your one month free trial of website builder. Here are the steps you need to follow to build your professional affiliate marketing website with Godaddy website builder:
1. Choose Your Site Type.
If you are going to set up a website where you will be selling actual products using a shopping cart then you would need to choose the online store option.
If not then you need to choose the website builder option. Most likely if you are going to be creating an affiliate marketing website you would just be choosing the website builder option.
2. Start Your Free Trial
Godaddy will give you a 30 day free trial of the Godaddy Website Builder. You will have 30 days free to try the website builder. After the 30 days free trial you will have the option to upgrade to a hosting plan.
As of the writing of this blog post, the monthly cost for the basic is $16.49 if you are paying by the month or $7.30 per month if you are paying by the year.
You do not need to add any credit card details for the free trial.
3. Select Your Industry and Website Title.
Once you choose your industry and website title Godaddy Website Builder will automatically choose a professional looking theme to match your industry and title. This theme is just a starting point. You can change the theme anytime by just clicking the button “try a new look.”
4. Pick Your Theme.
Now you can peruse the many other top quality themes available to you through Godaddy Website Builder and pick one which more closely suits your needs.
5. Customize Your Design and Add Your Own Images
Godaddy Website Builder has plenty of stock images to use however, you can also add your own custom images. Simply click the Update button on the right side of the image. If you are using stock images there is a convenient search feature available.
Also remember to add your alt text to the images to help the search engines find your website. Alt images help identify what your images are actually portraying. There is even an entire image search section on Google. So you want to make sure Google finds your website images and indexes them. Include alt text with all your images to identify them!
6. Add Your Own Text.
When adding new text you can use the “Add New Section” button to add section blocks. Within these blocks you can add your custom text.
7. Add Or Remove Sections
You simply add or remove sections by clicking on the Add Section button. Then you can search for a variety of options. You can add up to 20 sections. For more text you can just add more content.
8. Add Or Remove Pages
With Godaddy Site Builder you can add up to 50 pages. All you need to do now is give your new page a title, select your desired settings such as do you want the page to be private/public, do you want the page to connect to an outside link– and click Create Page.
9. Manage Your Site Settings.
The settings tab is an important tab. From this tab you can add your social media links, change the favicon image in the browser, add Google Adsense and Analytics as well as of advertising tracking codes for Facebook and Pinterest if desire.
Also be sure to click the “Get Found on Google” button and follow the steps through the “Start Optimizing” wizard. The wizards will optimize your site (SEO Search Engine Optimization) so that your new website can be found in the search engines.
10. Add A Blog
For an affiliate marketing website I highly recommend starting a blog. Blog’s allow you to keep your community up to date with exactly what you have to offer them.
Also blog posts can help you get natural search engine traffic. Creating a blog is as simple as clicking the + button (Add A Section), typing blog in the search bar then add.
Voila! Your blog has been created. You can then add posts from the manage blog section.
11. Add A Newsletter Subscription Form.
Next I would suggest adding a newsletter subscription form. The process is similar to adding a blog. Click the + button, Add a Section, type in “newsletter” in the search bar, the click “add” next to the newsletter format design you desire.
The newsletter form will appear on your website. Godaddy Website Builder has a built in email marketing system which will allow you to send email notices every time you make a blog post and also to send broadcast emails to your opt in email list.
You can also add a form to an outside service like Aweber or Mail Chimp. Click +, the search for “html”, then add the html or javascript code of your autoresponder or mailing system sign up form to your website.
12. Get A Custom Domain Name.
Godaddy will give you a free long domain name something like this: This looks very unprofessional. People wanting to do business with you will not think you take your business very seriously if you do not even invest in your own domain name.
From within Godaddy Website Builder you can click on Manage then Choose a new domain. You can then go through the process of choosing your domain name and your domain name will automatically be re-directed to the website you built.
Included will also be a secure ssl certificate so your customers can access your site using https rather than just http. This way your customer will especially have confidence visiting your website.
Normally an ssl certificate is an additional charge. This is included with your Godaddy Website Builder package.
Godaddy Website Builder is the easiest and fastest way I have seen to create your own professional website. You do not need to know coding, html, how to use an ftp program, or how to manage servers or databases. To get your free trial of Google Website Builder please visit here.
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