Guest Blogging

We Want Your Story in Your Words About Your Real Marketing Experiences
The Quickregisterseo blog has a mailing list of over 130,000 of subscribers who are specifically interested in the subjects of seo and internet marketing. If you write high quality blog posts and would like more exposure for your blog I have a deal for you.
If you are interested in guest blogging for please provide a completely original, well written, ready to go, high quality guest blog post about Your Personal Experiences in Marketing and or SEO.
Please Note I Am Not Interested in Stories About MLM or Network Marketing. We Are Interested in Stories About SEO, Video Marketing, PPC, PPV, Blogging, Local Marketing, Social Media Marketing and Email Marketing.
We want to delve into the nitty gritty details of “real marketing” not the false promises of work from home schemes.
You must have your own website and domain name. We will not promote affiliate links even if you have a website which re-directs to an affiliate program.
We only want blog posts about marketing experiences that YOU have have personally experienced. We do not want any posts about theories or techniques that you have not tried yourself.
We Want Guest Blog Posts About Your Personal Experiences. We Are Keeping it Real Here. No Theories That You Have Not Tried Out Yet Thank You. Let Us Know What You Have Actually Done.
We want YOUR marketing testimonials. You can even write a blog post about your failures. Your article does not even have to be the best written article in the world but it must be “authentic”
The blog post must be written in the first person meaning “I tried this… I did that.” We do not want any posts that say “10 ways to do this etc.” We want blog post such as “3 Techniques I used to rank My Client’s Website to Number 3 on Google” or “How I Built My Emails to 3000 Confirmed Opt Ins Within 3 Weeks Using Free Traffic Sources.”
You Can Even Write A Guest Post About A Marketing Failure And What You Learned From The Experience
Then you need to tell us exactly what you did and how you did it. There are enough vapid theory posts in the blogosphere. We want real marketing and SEO stories based on your real experiences.
Your guest blogs post has to be already proofread and in fluent English. The guest blog post must be original. I will check it on Copyscape. Actually, we can even cut you a little slack on the English if maybe your first language is not English but you still have a compelling personal experience to share.
We Want to Hear About YOUR Personal Marketing Successes And/Or Failures. We Want Your “Authentic” Voice.
I will also share your guest blog post on my Facebook fanpages with over 7000 fans and my other social media accounts. Plus you can include liberal relevant links back to your site. The guest blog post will be permanent on the blog so it will give you a valuable permanent link back to your site.
The posts should be about 500-2000 words and I repeat the same article must not be published anywhere else. It must be original. If you would like to submit your post simply email your guest blog post to me here.
You are welcome to include relevant links in the guest blog post and a link in your bio at the end of the post.
We are looking forward to working with you and helping your promote yourself through guest blogging Thank you, Team.