I am Getting 300 Opt In Subscribers Per Day!

Everyone seems to be looking for that elusive golden ticket to drive subscriptions and sell products or services. Here’s how I’ve tapped into a novel approach: reverse advertising.
Through it, I’ve been consistently gaining 300 subscribers daily, without heavily banking on paid advertising.
A Peek into My Subscription Rates
You can look at my AWeber account for yourself. As of yesterday, I had 271 subscribers, and today it’s already expanded to a whopping 362! This profound growth is attained primarily by offering free advertising on my classified ad websites.
Decoding the Process
Interested in knowing how this works? Let’s break it down and make it understandable.
- Set Up Classified Ad Websites: I’ve developed multiple classified ad websites, where anyone can come, register, and post their free ads.
- Integrate with AWeber: Every time someone registers on one of my sites for a free account, I’ve set it up so that they are automatically asked to join my newsletter, which is integrated with my AWeber account.
<form><input type="submit" value="Join Our Newsletter!"></form>
This simple integration has skyrocketed my subscriptions. More than just putting a form on the website, this method has shown a significant increase in subscribers.
Turning Subscribers into Customers
Once people have joined the newsletter, what next? They get drawn into my email follow-up system. Everyone who signs up will receive follow-up emails every four days. These emails often contain valuable resources such as free software and rebrandable e-books, which they can give away for free. These free giveaways boost the chances of people staying on the list. Besides, these emails also highlight earning opportunities through the affiliate program and numerous other benefits.
This follow-up system has successfully added hundreds of thousands of dollars to my income stream over the years. Through consistent and valuable contact, you establish trust and credibility which eventually gets converted into sales.
Shifting to Self-Hosted Systems
Now here’s the catch. Once the subscriptions exceed 25,000 in AWeber, fees increase drastically. So, at regular intervals, I transfer subscribers to my self-hosted system using Sendy which, even though it involves additional setup work, proves to be cost-effective in the long run.
Remember! A large and targeted email list in your niche is a gold mine. Whether it’s through affiliate marketing, selling your own products and services, or offering coaching, if you own a list, you own your treasure chest.
“The money is in the list” is a cliche, but it’s undeniably true.
The primary goal is to build this list. But that’s not the only advantage here. My websites also feature premium ads at the top, fetching me anywhere between $5 to $20 for every sign-up. It might not be a vast amount, but it helps cover the cost of website hosting.
Customizing and Promoting Your Website
Now, one of the coolest parts is that you can tailor these websites according to your preferences. You can edit the website, change banners or promote any program that you might be interested in.
Here’s a simple way to add a banner:
<a href="YOUR-WEBSITE"><img src="IMAGE-URL"/></a>
If you are thinking about driving traffic to your website, there are numerous free visibility options. You can leverage platforms like Google, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and even your personal contacts to enhance your site visibility.
An Honest Conclusion
Let’s be clear – there’s no magic wand here. You need to put in the work. Or as I like to call it, you need to “work it”. There’s no automatic, do-nothing and get-rich-quick solution. This is a legitimate business strategy, and it does require a level of commitment and effort from your end.
If you’re interested in getting your own website like this, we offer a service to set you up. We create your individual website, deliver the login credentials, and provide instructions. We’re always there to help you through the initial process as needed.
If you found this article valuable and want to diversify your source of leads, or sell your products and services, consider replicating this strategic model. You’re just a click away.
To learn more about our set-up service, click here. And if you found this article helpful, do subscribe, like, and share. Thank you!
Ever tried reverse advertising? Share your experiences in the comments! We’d love to hear more success stories from the trenches of online business growth.