4 Convenient Ways to Put Your PPT Presentation on A Website


If the company where you are working frequently holds meetings, promotional events and conferences where PowerPoint slideshows are considered as one of the most important features, then you might have to do a lot of hard work in preparing them, because the quality of your presentation will signify many things about your talent and skill in the business.

However, you will definitely like to keep your work saved in a presentable way after presenting in several events. Posting those PowerPoint presentations on your website can be a good idea as you can share your work with thousands of people who are looking for new and innovative PowerPoint styles. In this article, we will talk about different easy ways through which you can put your PowerPoint Presentation on the website.

Convert Your Slideshow to A PDF Document

In order to make your presentation visible to other users, you can easily upload the file to your web space. Interested people will click on your file and will be able to download it on their own computers. However, users will not be able to open the file if they do not have the PowerPoint software installed on their system. Thus, providing a link from where users can download the free PowerPoint software, or convert your PowerPoint presentation into a PDF document, is essential.

Experience a YouTube Like Slideshow

To make your PowerPoint presentation more attractive, you can upload your PPT, PPS or PDF file to the SlideShare.net site that will provide you YouTube-like experience. The site will convert your file into shared media. In order to put your presentation on your own website, you will have to copy a snippet of code and select the level of privacy to protect each file.

However, one of the most noteworthy advantages of the tool is that it will represent your presentation with PowerPoint templates in full-screen format. The full-screen option will allow viewers to have a detailed view of the images and texts that you do not want your viewers to miss.

Publish an HTML Web Page

There is no doubt that the PowerPoint slide will let you save your file in HTML format, but this may not look great on the web page. However, once you have got your file in HTML, just upload it to your web space and serve it up in as a new web page.

However, one of the major problems in saving HTML file from PowerPoint software is that the HTML file has been optimized only for Internet explorer browser and if users apply other browsers to see it, they will not able to see the presentation properly. Software like OpenOffice Impress can help the users as the tool will help users to create a PPT presentation from scratch. Moreover, the tool will be able to convert the existing PPT presentation into HTML format. In addition, you can also look out for renowned PowerPoint template online resource like Powerslides.com for great designs.

Flash it Through OpenOffice

You will be able to export your presentation in Flash (SWF) format and you will find it works flawlessly. By using such tools, you can get your task done in quick time. Along with OpenOffice, other PowerPoint converters such as authorPOINT Lite, iSpring Free, Speechi Light are also available online.

However, while using the tool, you will find differences in the accuracy because the accuracy of the conversion varies from program to program. The accuracy of the conversion from PPT to SWF also depends on the complexity of the presentation.

Once you have integrated your presentation on your own website, it will be a part of the online content. Thus, you should present your file in a convenient way, so that everyone can see your work without any trouble.

Author Bio – Sean Jonson is an expert PowerPoint presenter. He often uses and recommends Powerslides.com for excellent PowerPoint templates that can be easily integrated into a website.

– Sean Jonson is an expert PowerPoint presenter. He often uses and recommends Powerslides.com for excellent PowerPoint templates that can be easily integrated into a website.