What is A Content Delivery Network (CDN) And Why You Need One For SEO


A Content Delivery Network is a network of thousands of servers around the globe where visitors can access your content efficiently from their area. A CDN has servers all over the world with your static content cached so that if somebody in Germany wants to access your content he does not have to get it from your server in the United States. This allows you to deliver your content quickly and more efficiently.

Since your site speed is a significant factor in getting your site ranked for your keywords by Google it is important to deliver your content quickly and efficiently. A CDN will help you accomplish this.

Using a CDN network can not only improve your SEO and user experience because your pages will load faster but it can help keeping your server from crashing if it gets sudden spikes in traffic.

I have just begun using a CDN. I am on a free trial with keycdn.com. I am also using a paid wordpress plugin called WP Fastest Cache Premium. For me it seemed like the best one out there. Many people suggest WP Total Cache which is free but it conflicted with some of my other plugins and WP Fastest Cache seemed to be a step ahead.

Here is an excellent explanation why you need a CDN for your wordpress blog.

Why You Need a CDN for your WordPress Blog?

Here are the instructions for using WP Fastest Cache with Keycdn.

Using WP Fastest Cache seemed to speed up my site a bit but so far I have not seen any difference with Keycdn. I will give it some time. I am using Google’s Page Speed Insights to test my website loading speed.

Using a CDN and a Cache plugin are only a couple of factors in increasing website speed. I recommend this article for many other ideas on increasing your page speed loading time.

Note: After a few days I have found that using the Content Delivery Network has dramatically increased the speed of my website. This works!

P.S. Just received a note from blogger John Sullivan who wrote a very thorough article on how to speed up your website. He has some great ideas. You can read his blog post here.