How To Earn Affiliate Commissions Giving Away Free Ebooks


I have tested and tracked this technique and it really works. I have created an ebook which is called “11 Proven Techniques to Get Even More Sales From Classified Ads” I have specially set up the ebook so that you can re-brand it with your own affiliate link in just one click.

Once you re-brand the ebook all the links in the ebook which refer to my classified ad submission service will be coded to you. If anybody reads the ebook, clicks on any of the links and orders my classified ad submission service you will receive recurring commissions of 50% for as long as the person stays subscribed to the service.

You will also receive commissions if people order any of our software from So here is what you have to do to start earning recurring commissions by giving away my free ebook:

1. Sign up for our affiliate programs for free and get an affiliate id here

2. Re-brand our ebook with your affiliate link using our easy to use re-brander here.

3. Start giving the ebook away and start earning commissions! Here are some ideas on how to give the ebook away:

1. Send an email to your list with a free gift of your re-branded ebook.

2. Use the ebook as an incentive for people to join your list.

You can copy what I do here. Just look at the pop up for the subscription form. Then include the download link in your first autoresponder message. 3. Upload the ebook to all the document sharing sites that accept pdf files.

Here is somebody who will upload your ebook to 15 major document sharing sites for just $5! This technique works! I have tracked it over and over and I consistently get a high conversion rate using this technique. Plus it is permanent ongoing traffic.

The pdfs stay up forever and people can keep downoading them over and over with your affiliate links embedded. If you have your own affiliate program or product you would like to promote I did another post showing exactly how I set up my ebook rebrander system here. If you found this post helpful please share it on social media. Thank you!