The Best Autoresponder System


As far as I am concerned, the one marketing tool which has made me the most money is the follow up autoresponder system. If you are not collecting the email addresses of those who visit your site and following up with them regularly you are losing money big time. It amazes me that anyone would even put up a site without one.

I was so impressed with the autoresponder system that I started my own autoresponder service at I managed to get over 12,000 customers. However, over the last few year email marketing has become very tricky. There are spam issues, deliverability issues, legal issues on and on. So I decided to turn my service into a limited free service where I run some ads on top of other people’s message and limit importing and broadcasting.

I have moved all my lists over to Aweber at

I have been completely blown away by their service. They analyze each one of my messages to help improve my deliverability. I am able to get 98 percent delivery rates which I absolutely could not duplicate on my own.

Their system is extremely efficient and easy to use. Even though I have my own autoresponder service I put my important newsletters with
and let them have the hassles of dealing with server uptime, blacklists, deliverability etc. Even the technically savvy internet marketer is better off delegating their email marketing to a specialized third party these days. If you do not have an autoresponder system get one. If you are serious about getting the best get one at Aweber

Keep in mind that I am a former competitor recommending them. Keep following up!