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How To Market On Facebook In 5 Simple Steps!


Do you know you can market your web content writing service, Shoe Company or corporate firm on Facebook? What if I told you that a friend of mine made over $5,000 in profit by marketing his shoe product on Facebook?

If you want to market your business, build your email list, and grow your sales through Facebook, then I’ll strongly recommend you read this article word for word.

Facebook currently have over a billion users with more than 60% active users everyday (did I just hear you say that?) Yeah. In fact, Facebook is the second most visited website in the world (Google is No 1) with over 75% of its users outside the USA.

Before I continue with this post, let me share a short story on how one of my friend’s content writing services took a turn-around through Facebook marketing

Last year, my friend (Brown) started a web content writing service to feed online entrepreneurs with quality contents but couldn’t figure out ways to reach out to savvy online business owners. Then one day, he decided to give Facebook marketing a try after reading an article on the topic in a local newspaper. Though encountered some challenges when he started ( which is normal if you want to be successful) but he was able to generate over 5 to 10 clients with an income of about $3,000 monthly within the space of 4 to 5 months.

Today, not only does he manage his own web content writing service but has employed over 10 people. The funny thing about this is that, he didn’t have to pay for advert or back-links– all he just did was a simple tactic of which I’ll be explaining in this article.

It doesn’t matter whether you own a real estate company; in fact, it doesn’t matter if you’re SEO expert or a writing service looking to win new clients; Facebook can place in front of your target prospects easily.

You can easily communicate with your ideal customer, build relationship and convert leads into paying prospects with the fan pages and groups.

Without wasting much time, here are five surefire steps to using Facebook to grow your business

1.      Be transparent

People are only going to do business with you if they can trust you. There’s no better way to market your product or service on Facebook than to set up your personal profile, upload a professional and quality pix, edit your personal info and fill all the necessary details you need to.

2.     Join Facebook groups

Yeah. You can’t do it all alone. You need to collaborate with others to build that successful business you’ve always desired.

It’s the same way with Facebook marketing. You need to join groups that are related to your niche. All you just need do is to type a word related to your product or service and then your niche into the Facebook type box.

Hint: After doing this, you should see some top groups in your niche. Join them, be active and let them know you…

3.     Post value…

Quality content wins.

In fact, quality content is the key to making Google bow before you. Now that you’ve joined other fan pages and started your own fan page, post relevant and unique contents.

It could be a video article, quote or blog post—let it leave a good impression on your fans. If you know you’re not good at writing, you could consider hiring a web content writer.

Hint: By doing this, your fans will perceive you as an expert and they’ll be more than willing to know you and purchase your product or service.

4.     Connect– Add friends

Also, ensure you add friends in your target market– you could target adding 20 to 30 new people everyday.

Hint: Please, note that Facebook has restrictions on adding friends so you can just start out by adding 10 to 25 people everyday. (Ten people is okay)

5.     Repeat and sell

Yes. To build an authority business or experience increased sales through Facebook, you have to be persistent and diligent. Although, it might seem like a lot of hard work; don’t give up–don’t give in!

Implement these steps repeatedly– and you’ll have yourself to thank when the BIG CASH starts rolling in.



Daniel Adetunji is a professional web content writer who offers web content writing services to savvy, online business owners. He has helped many business owners grow their sales with contents, and there’s no doubt you’ll do the same for you if you HIRE HIM