These Landing Page Mistakes will cost you sales! Know them. Avoid them! A landing pages is a powerful way to generate leads for a product, service or company. Landing pages are a far more effective way of getting leads than promoting your website.
To get those leads your Landing page must adhere to these sure-fire rules of marketing. Here’s what you need to know to get the maximum results from your landing pages. Here are some of the most common landing page mistakes.
Your headline must POP off the page with motivating words that will get the viewer’s attention.
You want to get their attention then draw them in to keep them reading. Headlines should be bold, easy to read, colorful and make an IMMEDIATE eye-grabbing impact.
Fire your designer if they rely heavily on graphics and flash. Even video is sometimes not appropriate. You do not need your landing page to match your website. Landing pages do not need to be animated, blinking, jumping or annoying. Simple is best. Your Landing page has one purpose, and one purpose only – to generate a lead. It should be colorful, eye catching and use compelling rich copy. Do not make the landing page mistake of making your page too busy.
Effective landing pages are focused. Focused on purpose (lead generation) and focused on telling the reader exactly what they get and why they need to act now. Don’t include any reason for distraction on your landing page. Make your marketing message ultra-clear.
If you want to generate a lead you MUST include an offer. People don’t give away their contact information unless you give them VERY good reasons to do so. Make your pitch, and make it a great one – something for free, include a bonus, an incentive – something of value.
Your Landing Page is for your Viewers. Yes, it’s to market your company or product, but the page itself is about the viewer, Yes, your potential customer don’t forget this. View your Landing pages from THEIR eyes. Is is obvious what you are offering?
Is your offer enticing? Is your page focused or it is annoying to the point of distraction. Respect the experience and impression of your viewers. Make sure the page is not too long, the fonts are appropriate, the graphics not overdone and your optin form is quick and easy to complete.
To conclude, here is an Easy 1-2-3 Formula for creating effective Landing Pages.
1. Start with a powerful benefit-laden attention-grabbing headline.
2. Follow with compelling copy that motivates ACTION. Here is what you get, here is why you need it, here is how to get it RIGHT NOW!
3. Optin Form. Conclude with an easy to complete, simple form requesting contact details, being sure to list the bonuses/offer included. If you can add a value to these bonuses it makes your offer even more appealing.
Final words: Everything on your landing page should focus and complement these things; simple theme-related graphics, well-written punchy copy, an irresistible offer, and an opt-in form. Your goal on a Landing page is get the lead!
About the Author: Sandi Hunter, is the Director of Website Development at Worldprofit Inc., a Canadian company specializing in resources for small and home based business. Republished with author’s permission by Cary Martin.
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