Making things happen quickly and easily relies on reaching a state of Flow that Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi described as the “optimal human experience”.
Now, this may all sound a bit magical but it is something that you probably feel on a regular basis. Have you ever been doing something and just become lost in the experience? Where the sense of time has just disappeared and you’ve become totally focused on what you’re doing? For many people they experience that playing video games (World of Warcraft anyone?), playing musical instruments or in their sports. But it is possible to create it in your work too and rather than leaving it to chance you can create it deliberately.
Here is how you do that for yourself:
To experience this “optimal human experience” in your work you need to make sure enough of these components are present:
1) Clear obtainable goals that challenge you and require a degree of skill.
2) A high level of focus – that means turning off Facebook, MSN and putting your phone on silent.
3) Removal of any self-consciousness.
4) Feelings of time taking longer or less time than it does i.e. time distortion.
5) Fast feedback so you know when what you did is working and when you need to re-do it.
6) The tasks being challenging enough for your ability level – that means becoming more challenging as your ability improves.
7) Feeling as if you have total control to influence the outcome.
8) That action is effortlessness as just completing the action is intrinsically rewarding in and of itself.
9) Being so involved that you start to ignore the needs of your body – when you start putting off going to the toilet or that next food break.
10) Becoming totally focused on the task at hand to the exclusion of everything else.
(It is important to note that not all of these are needed all of the time, for most people 3 or 4 is all it takes to create the flow experience)
So read through that list and make a note of which ones are missing for you in your life as an Internet Marketer. Are you lacking goals? Then set some! Even if it is just for the three tasks you’ll do tomorrow. Are you focusing on a dozen things at once? Pick one and focus there until you’ve made some decent progress. Are you lacking feedback? Find a buddy or mentor to check what you’re doing and give you direct and honest points that let you know if you’re on track.
Remember, it doesn’t take all of these to reach that optimal state of Flow, but as soon as you get there everything will become easier, you’ll enjoy it more and your output will improve.
Find that flow, enjoy your time spent Internet Marketing and enjoy your success!
About the Author:
Lloyd Johnson is author of The Secrets to Learning NLP and the lead trainer at Confident Future, an International Company dedicated to training others in Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Confident Future offers a free online video training for those wanting to learn these powerful communication techniques:
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