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I Learned More About SEO and Viral Marketing From This Stoner Than I Did From A “Pro” From Harvard



I was looking around on YouTube for videos on viral marketing and I came across this one from the “Lazy Ass Stoner.” I learned more from Jay than I did from the previous video that I listened to by a guy from Harvard. He relies heavily on building real social media following, something I have done but haphazardly, and then finding niche based articles that have already gone viral and re-writing them

He then posts the article to all his “real” followers and get tons of back links and real traffic. I am going to look at his videos at building up social media followers. I have worked quite a bit on building my list but I think the social media is really as much a driver as the list. I will keep you posted.

I highly recommend you subscribe to Jay’s channel if you are looking to learn more about seo and viral marketing. This stoner really has a handle on these subjects. Please like and share this post if you find it helpful.

Here is a summary of what the “Lazy Ass Stoner” says to do in order to create a viral blog post or video.

Viral Marketing is Not Hard and Does Not Rely on Luck

First you need to find an article that is already going viral in your niche. Then you need to have already built up your own social media accounts already built up with real niche interested subscribers. NOT junk followers that you bought off some “dodgy” website.

#1 Find An Article in Your Niche That is Already Going Viral

Not to worry, the Lazy Ass Stoner has complete guides on building up your social profiles without spending any money or using any software. I am already building up my Pinterest accounts this way and it is working like a charm. Real followers who are in my niche are following me back all day.

#2 Re-write The Article and Post it To Your Blog With Some Relevant Pictures.

So what you need to do is find a story that is already going viral in your niche, re-write it and post it on your blog. Then you are going to push that story out to all your social media contacts.

#3 Push That Story Out To Your Large Social Media Contact Databases

So go to news.google.com and search for a hot story in your niche. He uses the cannabis niche as an example. Hilarious!. So find a story that has an eye catching headline but most importantly a ton of shares.

It is Not That Hard to Build Up Large Numbers of Real Niche Based Followers on Social Media. Follow Them and They Follow You.

Then re-write the article and post it on all your social media accounts. If you have thousands of followers you should get a tons of shares and some nice traffic back to your site. Again, building up your social media accounts is key. I am working on that now and I will have future posts as I go through the other tutorials by “The Lazy Ass Stoner.”

Actually the social media technique is pretty much follow other people in your niche and they will follow you back. It works.

Technique #2- The Viral Marketing Video.

This is basically the same but even easier. Look for a viral video in your niche and post it on your blog with pictures and commentary then post this out on all your social media accounts. You can easily get the embed code from the share tab on YouTube.

Find A Viral Video In Your Niche and Post it On Your Blog With Original Relevant Content. Then Push This Blog Post Out To Your Social Media Contacts.

People want you to post their videos on your blog because it brings more traffic back to their video. You are basically piggy backing off the viralness of another video in your niche. I guess I am kind of doing that here right now.

Technique #3- The Viral Infographic.

Infographics are basically big pictures which has lots of information on them. The creators of infographics actually want you to post their infographic on your blog because they have embedded a little link at the bottom of the infographic so they get links and traffic back to their sites as well. It is a win win situation.

Infographics Creators Generally Want You To Share Their Infographics Because They Include A Link Back To Their Site.

Here is an example of an infographic that went mega viral. I found this doing a search on google for viral infographics. The Lazy Ass Stoner finds his on Redditt. There is a specific infographic section.

The happiest cities in America

Published by Huffington Post • Designed by Jan Diehm

Again the process is the same. Upload the infographic to your blog. Add some relevant interesting text along with a related and catchy title and push it out to your social media accounts. You could especially target sites like Pinterest and Instagram with these infographics.

Here are 3 very doable viral marketing techniques that you can get started with that will not cost you any money at all. If you found this blog post helpful please like and share on your social media accounts. And be sure to check out the “Lazy Ass Stoner’s” website and YouTube channel.

Much Success,





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