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How To Get Free Traffic From YouTube Using The Title Response Technique


YouTube is serving more than 150 million videos per day and more than 100k new videos are being uploaded everyday. Collectively YouTube videos are receiving hundreds of millions of views per day.

There is a huge opportunity with YouTube marketing. YouTube recently replaced Yahoo! as the number 2 search engine. YouTube is really a video search engine. It is not just and entertainment site. Most marketers are not fully tapping into the great resource of free traffic.

Here is how you use the title hijacker technique. First type in the keywords for your specific niche into YouTube.

Take a look at the titles of the most popular videos in that niche. Now make your title of your video in YouTube similar but not exactly the same.

For example if you are promoting a video on mixed martial arts and the title of the most viewed videos is “UFC 74 Gonzaga Vs. Couture” you could make your title “UFC 74 Gonzaga Vs. Couture My Predictions” or “UFC 74 Gonzaga Vs. Couture Betting Odds” Just use your imagination.

Now look at the tags of the most popular videos in your niche.

Here is the url for the YouTube Keyword Tool: https://ads.youtube.com/keyword_tool

Copy and paste the urls of the most popular Youtube videos into the keyword tool and you will see the tags and keywords this YouTube video is using.

You will get a list of keywords that this video is using. Use these keywords in your video description and tags.

Also go the the Google Keyword tool here and get more ideas for keywords in your niche. Use these in your description and tags as well. Remember YouTube videos show up very well in search engine results as well. Here is the url for the Google keyword search tool: https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal

Remember to include the url for your landing page in the beginning of your description with the full http://www. Also tell people in your description and in your video to visit your website.

You can include many keywords in your YouTube description so don’t be shy!

Now that you have made your title and tags similar to very popular videos in your niche your YouTube video will start to show up next to popular videos that you imitated in the YouTube search results.

Here is another trick. Make sure the image in the thumbnail of the video is something very eye catching. If it is in the weight loss niche maybe a picture of a very athletic body. Pictures of hot women always seem to work well if you want to go there.

Usually YouTube picks up the picture right in the middle of your video to use in the thumbnail. I have never been able to get this to work.

So for my traffic building videos sometimes I record voice over a very attractive picture. This way YouTube is sure to use the thumbnail I want.

So the goal is to have your videos showing up right along side the popular videos in your niche with a very eye catching thumbnail.

Create 50-100 such videos specific to your niche and watch the traffic roll in! This is very targeted traffic plus it just keeps growing and growing.

There are many more YouTube techniques but this one should get your going. I would appreciate your comments or if you have your own YouTube traffic techniques please share! Please comment below and bookmark this post in all your favorite social media sites. Thank you!

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